Thx for the critz from everyone sample - try working on the end form how the piece as a whole will look on the left side is seems to dip idk if you wanted that but just something i saw. [Broken External Image]:
real- thats dope now finish it ad some colour a nice fill and some 3d do a back round to. hyper- i was going to tell u to do block letters then i see u did that last peice is sex edward- lovin all of it sample- use less 3d and less extentions at the bottom of the s. a simpler thing i did and a quik throw i did for chalk crits comments??
bump... pez-that chalk throw is sweet seek-i would say clean up your lines and it would look alot better hype-last character i like
captain - the o is too small samp1e -think it would look better if you add something to the bottom of the p seek139 - nice style daisyface - good but not feelin the p and the a just a pen freestyle i did...says "TRICK" [Broken External Image]:
daisy i'm gonna go work on another piece but in pencil this time...i freestyle all of the pieces. because i usually keep outlines as painting is an everyday thing for me
pretty funky daisyface jers, keep working on letters, decent though pencil outline. yes the p and the r are meant to be smaller.
looks fresh, but some letters need work same goes for ur handy jers-lose the arrows and we'll discuss your structure samp-heh lovin everyting but the fill,lolz yea guys i realized how garbage that handy was that i posted.......i've improved like 100x since yesterday.........was practicing durin all meh classes ;p flix of new stuff on sunday
damn thats tight because thats my name hahah nice u thats the only letter i dont like too much in my name but nice dude
daws reminds me of uk trains [Broken External Image]: pencil and yes i know the perspective gets off i would paint is slanting down \ on the rails. stay up
emo this is what i would do...take the bar with the red out btw. just my opinion View attachment 300107
[Broken External Image]: still got add all the lil bubbles, arrows, toxic splashes and drips that help distract the eye from my letter structure and poor fill color decisions . . . not too thrilled with this one, feel rusty and letters r coming out clumpy . . wers - did u see the cardboard WERS i did for you a few weeks ago?
sky that is ill man but on the c in caer, it looks like a E because of the extension, there is a few messed up extenisons but other than that it looks ill
pear- what roolette said. dawsek- good as always, nice euro feel to it. seek- i have no idea what to say cuz 3-d aint my thing skeelo-no comment cuz i cant read it new throw im workin on crits?
pear, it's nice, but it doesn't seem like you've tried to variate your style/letters at all. Might be time to try and progress. daws, not much to crit, try making it even cleaner? sky it's just a teeny little bit less awesome than usual, but it seems you know that already. seek, #1 define the letters more, right now you really gotta look for 'em. #2 try spending more time perfecting your 3d and cleanliness. usually your stuff is just a little bit off and a little bit unclean, but it's enough to almost ruin it. your shit would be really hot otherwise though. bumped for a couple more crits
work on your structure a bit captain, your letters arent sized the same and it goes thick to thin in a sort of bad way, just keep the sizing in general consistant for now.