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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. amk

    amk Elite Member

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    you shud be follwing your bars all the way thru till they meet with another bar.
    like on the have a tiny little bar which shud follow thru to the vertical bar.
  2. BIGel

    BIGel Elite Member

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    hah now thats some coincidence son, i write el and im from nevada (or was until a couple weeks ago).

    anyway, the L on the second sketch is too confusing for a simple, the loop fucks it up, but it looks like you've got the right idea. the NV simple is the best at the bottom, i think the angles you have the letters at screws it up but the bars are clean and well done.
  3. SenTheFirst

    SenTheFirst Senior Member

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    you dont have to curve it everytime you know
  4. dim

    dim Elite Member

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    morne dont worry about it man uve come a hell of a long way from when u started it takes time to build letter structure and to find a style that suits u and u feel comfortable with but when u are trying to make a connection for now make it where the letters touch.
  5. AMansNotACamel

    AMansNotACamel Senior Member

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    Morne, do you even look at graff? I know straight up chomping might sound wack but you sketch like you have never seen another piece before, bring influence to your work, even heavily cas it will help you understand how moving bars and creating large and small bars can help shape the flow/style of a piece.
    Also, get a good/ok, not sloppy, handstyle and do what bouncingsoul did in his tutorial, look at the lines in your handstyle and apply them to the bars you use in your sketch. A simple doesn't have to be a straight up block buster but can be a sketch of letters with extra bars, some flow, just not heaps of wack clutter.
    Honest to god, look at that dim cats sig, there is an r an o and an m in there, look at how that shit is formed, like actually look at the lines and how each line makes up the letter and apply what you see is being done with the letters to what you do and eventually, when you get some flow, or half way decent ish you will be able to think of some more original ways of shaping your letters.
    Finally, stop using a ruler to do your pencil then not using it to do your outline, you seem like your thinking to much before you go over the line.
    Oh and also 'O' is a wack letter cas it is.
    And try draw your letters separately to see what makes them good on their own before overlapping, putting in a full sketch etc.
  6. uhhh

    uhhh Elite Member

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    Dang bro.
    I'm in geometry on this chicks sidekick.
    I love technology.
    And rich hoes.
  7. daisyface

    daisyface Senior Member

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    yo morne def. dont give up, everyone has potential. the only tip i can think of, is you should try filling up a page with nothing but bars, just to get the feel of them. try and make them as uniform with eachother as possible. make some that bend, make some that are straight up rectangles; once you feel comfortable with them THEN try and make those bars into letters. dont worry about them looking cool or whatever just focus on the actual shape of the letter
  8. mas$

    mas$ Elite Member

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    Morne, the advantage of being a toy is that no matter weather u bite or not ur still gna be a toy, try it.. dont bite whole letterforms, but try look at extensions and how letters flow together in your favourite artists pieces, then slowly incorporate that into the bar letters you do..just dont give up, it took me a year and a half to get to my current style..peace
  9. "spe@k"

    "spe@k" Member

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    any input from anyone?
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2007
  10. calculating infinity

    calculating infinity Elite Member

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    too many extensions that dont flow on the third one, the second one is horrendous, and your handstyle needs work too.
  11. silentchaos14

    silentchaos14 Elite Member

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  12. AnteUp

    AnteUp Elite Member

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    the bars are fine, its the marker that throws it off, use penicil, show it to us like that, no marker
  13. silentchaos14

    silentchaos14 Elite Member

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    half the time its too light with pencil, so i outline it
  14. "spe@k"

    "spe@k" Member

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    so i spent some time on those and now i find out that theres another speak on the site.... so my girlfriend came up with another name for me. ive stolen 8 prismas, 2 markers, and some paint pens and sharpies... so she called me a cleptomaniac. so im starting to write, as of now, Klepto.
  15. silentchaos14

    silentchaos14 Elite Member

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    wtf is a cleptomaniac? klepto is a sick name imo
  16. AnteUp

    AnteUp Elite Member

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    cleptomaniac-addicted to stealing, steals even if he doesnt have to
    but silent, sounds good, or jus do pen freestyles
  17. sKeeLo

    sKeeLo Senior Member

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    [Broken External Image]:

    letter K with a zillion addons . . dont know if u can see all the lines, this board is huge so im pretty stoked to start somethin big

    speak - i like it, has an old school nyc vibe . . .keep workin them letters but you have the right idea and feel

    morne - try sketchin and workin different letters besides MORNE and see if somethin clicks, usually helps me
  18. AnteUp

    AnteUp Elite Member

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    sky- cant see it at all bro
  19. gamf

    gamf Member

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    morne man just go on mr wiggles or something write morne but dont trace it off ur comp screen just try and copy it youll end up fuking it up and the letters wont look anything like they should then u will see potential in a letter like "oh i can add a line here..." etc and then u will have a whole new style for yourself thats how i started but its very important that u dont trace because ppl will know if u go from being ok, to like fuking cope 2 in a day so dont trace it just try writing it withoout puttin ur paper on the comp screen
  20. gamf

    gamf Member

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    dont stop to sketch
    t'ill the cats play fetch