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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. renk

    renk Member

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    scare- the 3D looks odd on the first one, but the simples are hot
    speak- tone down on the colors and just sketch your letters
    morne- idk man keep working, my advice is to sketch each letter individually until you got it down good then try to put them together

    uhh some stuff
    some new some old
    mostly characters, ill post up some letters later
  2. Bastardo

    Bastardo Senior Member

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  3. AyteYourCookies

    AyteYourCookies Senior Member

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  4. Bastardo

    Bastardo Senior Member

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  5. Seek139

    Seek139 Senior Member

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    bastardo - lookin good but you only love her until she rats your ass out to the cops.
    renk - that blockbuster is dead on period
    morne - don't you fucking give up...if you do your spitting on everyone who has ever helped or believed in you if you quit you should have never been here Its a matter of how much you want it do you want to be a graffiti writer/artist? or not are you willing to put in the work all the headbanging writers block and all the stress politics and drama all to get it done...ask yourself is it in you?
    sky - repost your flick with another shot I can't see shit
    speak - idk how long you've been around here or working at your graffiti but it looks like your going big and using colors all that shit when your not exactly ready for it if 1. you are trying to progress and can do simple's ect. than keep trying 2. Your a virgin ass toy goto the new to graff section here in the toy forum.

    Another school sketch idh that much time these days with school and all guys but I'm getting in atleast one sketch as always nowadays I'm working on my shading technique critique is much appreciated kthx :D
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  6. haz3y

    haz3y New Member

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  7. silentchaos14

    silentchaos14 Elite Member

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    i never had any intention of quitting graff, just sketching for awhile. but yeah im gonna stop spammin the shit outta this thread and sketch.
    oh and ante, my point was proven when the guy after u posted
  8. Bastardo

    Bastardo Senior Member

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    What point? that noone gives crits?
    Check out the post before, he never critted me so i bumped past him
  9. silentchaos14

    silentchaos14 Elite Member

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    u had nothing to do with it genius it was skeelo
  10. Nem

    Nem Elite Member

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    as much as you may think youre creating a masterpiece when you sketch fried off your ass...youre not. nobody ever is.

    i learned a while ago that while gettin high does provoke more thought and give you new ideas, it makes you draw and paint like shit. pretty much always.

    and i, along with everyone else (i think), would appreciate a sick piece a lot more if someone thought it up without the aid of narcotics.

    stay sober when you sketch man, it helps a lot.
  11. popshots

    popshots Senior Member

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    bump for crits.....
    skeelo: looks like its gunna b ill
    hazy: dont sketch high... its a bad idea.... id go simpler and dont over lap 3d with the letters
    seek: 3d letters look nice
    ayte: good progression i dont relly like the extention on the e
    bastardo: sick shit as always
    renk: work on the characters nose
    morn: start bending letters and over lappen them more
  12. Fube

    Fube Elite Member

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    bastardo, i love your sketchs because u keep them so busy, but busy with a purpose, no fancy shit, just an orange marker. gangsta.
  13. whahappen?

    whahappen? Elite Member

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  14. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    some beees. im writing bazer again. haha..
  15. Sans

    Sans Member

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  16. BORG

    BORG Moderator

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    bazer- nice, i like ur style, and most people cant do a dope b, but ur gettin close to pullin of some sick b's, keep on em
    ayte-keep doin what ur doin, u seem to take in all the crits and ur letters keep gettin better and better
    bastardo- nice, wheres my throw??? i got a doper one for you i'll hook a flick up tomorrow or sometime

    [Broken External Image]:

    still tryin to progress to a more advanced style
    whoever said this looks like a sume bite, i dont see that shit at all
  17. silentchaos14

    silentchaos14 Elite Member

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    borg when i see yur shit it reminds me of transformers. i have no idea why but that movie was fuckin sick
  18. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    hmm.. on your r the best i can tell you i guess is make the right leg come out from the end of the part where it turns... like this:
    View attachment 303028

    and my q's r just as good as yours haha.. sorry
  19. HoodRichSucka

    HoodRichSucka Elite Member

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    killa bees on tha sworm. i like.
  20. NEZ89

    NEZ89 Senior Member

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    ayte- u need a black book, but ya stuffs pretty ill
    seek- bring out the highlights a bit more, it looks like its all one tone
    pops- thats sik, u gonna leave it like that or u gonna color it?

    El NEZO loco, ignore the handstyle just fuckin around
    and i got lost with the colors
    [Broken External Image]: