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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. xAWOKE.925

    xAWOKE.925 Senior Member

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    The bottom piece looks kinda sloppy (could just be the scanner) but the top piece has a nice fill. the letters are ill too just on that second one make it a lil cleaner. good job tho
  2. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    Regs- nice fills on both. the second reminds me of a candycane :p Can you tell me how to do the 3d effect that sucks in to a central point? I haven't been able to figure it out.
  3. TricksForKids

    TricksForKids Elite Member

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    Yeah the second ones on a school binder, just freestyled with sharpies on top of the plastic, so not the greatest flick, thanks for the feedback though, and cezr, tomorrow, ill do a step by step of how i run that 3D its really easy

  4. ONYX

    ONYX Senior Member

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    well the person gives me an idea of what they want.. i put it on paper n fix it to how they want it... i rather fuck up on a sketch than on a shirt, feel me... then i put the clothing in a big peice of cardboard i got and put clips on it so it doesnt move around... then i take a clothing marker or a pencil and do the design bigger on the shirt or whateva.. after that all i gotta do is trace tha outline wit tha airbrush and add little details and hook-ups on to it... its complicated but when dealin wit money u gotta come correct...

    im diggin REGS fills... they hot... how do you get ideas for fills and how do your get them so clean ? u use prisma-color markers ?
  5. TricksForKids

    TricksForKids Elite Member

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    nah i just use sharpies and play around with shapes and lines in the same colour
  6. xAWOKE.925

    xAWOKE.925 Senior Member

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    thats tight do you run the business out of your house or somethin or do you jiust do like small jobs n shit
  7. ONYX

    ONYX Senior Member

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    well its me and my lil man DAZER that do it together... he got tha airbrush and the paint so when he gets business i hit him up wit an outline for tha shirt and he break me wit half of what we make or people come up to me since i kno more people because ima upper classman and i break him off wit half for letting me get down on his machine and for using his paint..
  8. ONYX

    ONYX Senior Member

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    its good to cause i get a lot of practice on ideas i wouldnt think of by myself.. liek right now 2mor ima do a jacket for this one dude... he gettin Tigger pointin his finger towards you and he got his other arm around the snowman (Young Jeezy)... he hasnt told me what he wants as tha words but when i do words i go wit tha throwback basic readable letters because it looks clean and professional
  9. ONYX

    ONYX Senior Member

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    and REGS.... you should try to get some prisma colors... they got way more colors than sharpies and u can also get this one marker to blend the colors togetha.. so for instance you could fade green into blue.. or jus have it fade to white... i just started using them a few monthes ago and i think they are way better than Sharpies because with the things u can do with them u can expand your creativity... i think they can benefit u a lot when it comes to fills...
  10. kill

    kill Elite Member

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    yeah but he has a shirt with his name on it
  11. atlarge

    atlarge Senior Member

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  12. ONYX

    ONYX Senior Member

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    [Broken External Image]: I did this for my Homegirl LANA.. it wasnt the original style i wanted it but its what came out.... and my dude on tha bus was eatin some sourpatches and i liked tha cartoon that was on the pack so i bit him n threw him on the peice quick fast
  13. ONYX

    ONYX Senior Member

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  14. T R E O

    T R E O Elite Member

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    lookin dope.i c u have "z"
    are u in z crew in sf?with meser?
  15. ONYX

    ONYX Senior Member

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    naw im down wit tha south bronx regulataz.. "BXR"...
  16. ion-i

    ion-i Elite Member

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    Got bored and desided to draw out a revision of an old piece I did way back. This was meant to me an idea for when I paint it, no serious drawing intended. Kinda like a guide for when I paint it to give the idea.
    It's suppose to be seen from a low angle. I need to fix the focus points, have the top smaller and have it stretch out mreo towards the bottom.
  17. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    lol^ Ao's brutal [/b][/quote]
    glad you noticed :lol:

    Mse- i havent seen any of your stuff, post sometin ill be happy to say it sucks :) jp just post sumtin i wana see some of your stuff
  18. kill

    kill Elite Member

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  19. faint rem one

    faint rem one Elite Member

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  20. Mse

    Mse Elite Member

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    bump just for aoassis
    and rem that throwie is the shnizzle