i got hit with a fuckin mental block yesterday. this is prolly gonna be my piece for the battle... . keep up the work dewster, looks good. [Broken External Image]:http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/2893/rasek11cs4.jpg
not feeling the K jetpack. and viruz, no offense but you are no where ready to start coloring. despite what you think, the colors or BG will not make your letters look better. master you letters first, if your coloring, your waisting your time.
jet, i don't think it looks good.... the r has a wierd extention, the e looks wierd, just looks wierd... idk. just bend the shit out of simples, thats what i'm guessing to do.
Dewster_OnE & garbage down tha way -I redid the Kobra I made it all upper case and Straight Lines. Im about to put it up check it out.
[Broken External Image]:http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc194/DoubleM41/Kobra2-1.jpg Went a little Simpler. How dose it look and how should I change it.
[Broken External Image]:http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs25/f/2008/153/0/e/New_BlackBook_by_urban_lemon.jpg
Im feelin the bottom one but it needs alittle work bro, try makin all your letters the same size and open up the top of the z like you did on the s. Good shit though, keep it comin.........
dewster -- your R and N are your weakest, figure out how to make your R just work better overall and balance the N. also pronounce the E more. jetpack -- don't like the fur/shock effect going on. do some work on the S. i'm interested in seeing how you progress from this...
SOS Viruz...i think i have a good handle on the "O" for simples if you want to check it on page 3706. Bite it alittle if you want...but don't bite it too hard...
nah don't steal it just make sure the width going all the way around is consistent. 'sperimental shit. if you think this is decent for putting in the collab, go ahead mass. lol [Broken External Image]:http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/4623/56524376so0.png