*directed at jet but it applies to nearly everybody. i never see anybody playing around with thin outlines, like a .7 or smaller. when you use a micron or fine tip staedler as compared to a sharpie you'd be amazed at the detail and control you can give your letters (and characters). i almost never use anything wider than a 1. at the most.
just sketchess View attachment 401679 tryed to make the bottom half of this one under construction: View attachment 401680
lust. simples jetpack, your right leg of the r is funky, in a bad way skeevy, simplse rake, nice one liner, but make it smother, instead of so shakey drak, coolieo. i havwn't posted in a long long long long time. poop not finished^^^
ah ppl keep telling me simple =[ gah i jsut sketched this.. this simple? ignore the bottom one i messed up.. View attachment 401709
[Broken External Image]:http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s154/V_Be_Me/CIMG0002-12.jpg wasn't feeling my r likerainbutnot- your L and t are wack jetpack-don't like how the right leg or your R reaches out and covers that a sceevy-new to graff therad dawg i hold the throne- Keep you're letters the same size
bi2ar nice pic n ye aim new.. trying not be but keep being told to go simple.. teh fux thats the only adivce.. wish pl would elaborate scream nice too its mad good i just think its a lil dark IMO
im working on my throw ups but i just started graffiti not to long ago and im getting there if i can get some tips that would be cool.
i didnt really wanna post this in the big b thread [Broken External Image]:http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/3537/photo241dq5.jpg
i agree yours does look a lot better than what i managed to make not rly a one liner but w/e if it looks alrite who cares
coloring isnt that hard.. idk where u guys went to school it doesnt waste that much time and here.. legos are pretty simple yea? children play with them. View attachment 401775 View attachment 401776 and the pope just for fun View attachment 401777