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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. kill_fred

    kill_fred Senior Member

    • Messages: 198
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    ^^ didnt you already post that dekae or am i seein shit>either way nice.

    shit i need to post more here.when i get my camera.its a date haha.
  2. mekosbc

    mekosbc Senior Member

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    im immpressed alot of good work in the last couple of pages...
  3. CakeWalk99

    CakeWalk99 Senior Member

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    Clout: The first is phat! I like both of em man.

    Everyone have a safe/healthy new year.

    Sorry about the picture quality.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
  4. AESOPuno

    AESOPuno Senior Member

    • Messages: 62
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    dude try holding the camera still when ur taking pictures
    o and ur 3d is waaaaaaaaaaaaay off
    pick a point and draw all the 3D things to it
    its that vanishin point perspective bullshit
    try it, it works
  5. AESOPuno

    AESOPuno Senior Member

    • Messages: 62
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    dude try holding the camera still when ur taking pictures
    o and ur 3d is waaaaaaaaaaaaay off
    pick a point and draw all the 3D things to it
    its that vanishin point perspective bullshit
    try it, it works
  6. MeNu$

    MeNu$ Guest


    Attached Files:

  7. MeNu$

    MeNu$ Guest

    the last one is new the other ones are old

    Attached Files:

  8. IlikePie

    IlikePie Elite Member

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  9. AESOPuno

    AESOPuno Senior Member

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    menus... its still a lil toy but its close 2 a break thru start makin ur letters more connected and stuff
    ilikepie- thats really clean... y ru still postin flics in the toy forum? the only thing i would say is make sure u finish the letters like u got part of somethin dissapearin behind another letter and never coming back out. otherthan that its good tho
  10. IlikePie

    IlikePie Elite Member

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    Thanks, but I still find myself toy, and that part that's going behind my R, stops behind my R, I didn't want it to come back out, just killing some space.
  11. AESOPuno

    AESOPuno Senior Member

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    aite i feel that
    and dude a style doesnt gotta be super complex to be really good it just has 2 be crisp and fresh, like there was a dude on here be4 like stinkfishninja or somethin like that who had a really basic style but it was sick
    urs kind reminds me of it
  12. IlikePie

    IlikePie Elite Member

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  13. (SoS)Viruz

    (SoS)Viruz Elite Member

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    Wit- Its booboo, and resize that shit. Yo I dont need to see it that big yo. Start Simps yo.
  14. ThatguywhodrinksTea

    ThatguywhodrinksTea Senior Member

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    nice pie =D thought about posting a finished one?
  15. IlikePie

    IlikePie Elite Member

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    I'll finish that second one here in a bit.
  16. ThatguywhodrinksTea

    ThatguywhodrinksTea Senior Member

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  17. IlikePie

    IlikePie Elite Member

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  18. ThatguywhodrinksTea

    ThatguywhodrinksTea Senior Member

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    nice like it alot, maybe add 3d next time =D
  19. B.S. POLICE

    B.S. POLICE Banned

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    pie your letters are fucking sweet
  20. timeless progress

    timeless progress Senior Member

    • Messages: 74
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    I like Pie- I love the concept your going for in those letters, right now there a lil sloppy but that will work out with practise, the R is wider than the rest, and wtf does Birds 1 humans nothing mean?
    other than that keep up the good work

    Heres something I drew up for my homie Meel thats locked up, cant wait till march when he gets out.
    View attachment 437559
    the pic quality is shit cause it was sorta dark when I took it
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2009