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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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    I GOT CLOUT Elite Member

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    You're just seein shit.

    Ehh...theres too much deadspace in the D.

    Rab, legit.
  2. hal.cyon

    hal.cyon Senior Member

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    Last edited: Jan 2, 2009
  3. ESKiMO2

    ESKiMO2 Elite Member

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    [Broken External Image]:

    W is kind of fucked up... I'll color this tomorrow.

    Hal-I kinda like how you did the fourth one but I would tone it down.
    Clout- Great job. The one above it has some fine coloring from what I can see.
  4. TRY'N

    TRY'N Senior Member

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    hal.cyon-- you have cool letter structure, i just think your letters are too crowded together, maybe space them out a bit more? like the very last piece, the e and s are almost completely covered. you're headed in the right direction though, really dope stuff.
  5. ThatguywhodrinksTea

    ThatguywhodrinksTea Senior Member

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  6. T-jay

    T-jay Senior Member

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    hal.cyon-lookin good 3d some of them
    eskimo-not feeling the n at all, the rest is good
    thatguywhodrinkstea-work on 3d alot,not feeling the e's,dontlike the second one to much cuz of the n
  7. IlikePie

    IlikePie Elite Member

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  8. T-jay

    T-jay Senior Member

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    on the bottom one i think the top left of the r is alittle to thick but besides that it looks dope
  9. Kayel

    Kayel Member

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    hey guys i don't post much but i've finaly got a new camera so i've ran out of excuses to not post :)

    Crits :

    dekae : looks very clean, as said before make the whole in the D smaller and i don't like how the leg of the K overlaps the A

    eskimo : the extension on the bottom left leg of the R that goes behind the A seems out of place.

    hal : space em out a bit and try to go over it so it has darker lines or something to make it cleaner. maybe do a fil i'd love to see how it comes out

    here is some stuff crits would be awesome so i know where i'm at

    This one is old old old as hell. it says Sketch. done with highlighters :p

    [Broken External Image]:

    Did this today. My name. should be readable enough

    [Broken External Image]:

    Old as well. Says Rezen ( btw can anyone tell me if this name is taken? )
    [Broken External Image]:
  10. IlikePie

    IlikePie Elite Member

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    How does that say rezen?
  11. sank.

    sank. Senior Member

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    halycon, eskimo keep up the good work.

    and i finally did your exchange zase. this has got to be the first full sketch i've done in a good 4 months. lifes a bitch. but here it is :D


    now you have to do mine :p
  12. IlikePie

    IlikePie Elite Member

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    Could have done without the Arrow on the Z
  13. TRY'N

    TRY'N Senior Member

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    zase-- really nice but i would take the arrow off the z
    ilikepie-- really cool i like them a lot. only thing i would do like osmeone else said is maybe take that extra thing off the back of the R. i don't think it would make it too empty.

    [Broken External Image]:
    alright, here's something i did today. pretty simple. sorry, it's a cell pic. only thing i don't really like about it is the fill cuz it's shitty colored pencils. and i wish i had something to do highlights with.... crits??
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2009
  14. B.S. POLICE

    B.S. POLICE Banned

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    loose the connections, then bring the letters closer to each other
  15. IlikePie

    IlikePie Elite Member

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  16. MarOne...

    MarOne... Elite Member

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    You've progressed like crazy.

    EDIT- new sketch---

    Last edited: Jan 2, 2009
  17. Scheme*119

    Scheme*119 Elite Member

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    yo suga tits, use a k next time, it seems like it would be a bit easier to make flow with that style, i love you, no mo, kiss my tits/grits. abor, out.
  18. Scheme*119

    Scheme*119 Elite Member

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    are you trying to say you dont like it?
  19. Scheme*119

    Scheme*119 Elite Member

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    yeah, that was my second guess but i didnt think youd be that gay. why am i covered in blood?
  20. RAVOLT

    RAVOLT Member

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    ilikepie: i like the sketch but i wont lie i have no idea what it says?

    marsone: i love the new years sketch, the letters are all do except the N its confusing as shit
    but all and all its good stuff

    here is some of my more recent stuff, it says boo, im trying some differnt styles

    crits please

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