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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. Snew

    Snew Senior Member

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    Kaiser- letter structure isnt that horrible.. i dont think.. i like the way you used add ons.. they really are dope.. i was mostly just talking about the m.. the other two letters im not so hot on.. make other strokes thick like you did on the back extension of the M
    Okae- pretty dope simp dude.. see what happens if you make the bars a little thicker.. otherwise good work..
    Reincarnation- check out the new to graf thread.. work on a handstyle, and work with bars.. just simps, all day A' day!

    been doing some serious sketchin lately... ffirst 4 new, last 2 older, but got no crits..
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    crits aye!
  2. mekosbc

    mekosbc Senior Member

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    LIZARD Senior Member

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    SNEW-keep it up your shits good
  4. the strange one

    the strange one Member

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    yeah just that last little bit of the arrow i could'nt decided to 3d it or not !??!? :confused: but fuck it the rest of that s looks much better than my usual shit lol so thanks for the comment

    hole did for a friend :


    thinking it could have been better yo :(

    snew good shizzle
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2009
  5. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Senior Member

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    I got a fly handstyle man but ill check out the thread for the bars and shit good look bro
  6. Snew

    Snew Senior Member

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    if your handstyle is fly, turn it into bars, and turn it into letters.. its that easy.. i see your handy on the top of your drawing and it looked less than "fly" im not trying to start anything your letters are wack, take direction from someone a little bit established..
  7. zestee

    zestee Member

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    tried to go a little crazier
    crits yo
  8. Kaiser71

    Kaiser71 Senior Member

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    Zestee-- Deffinately lose some bubble, and I think the slime stuff is overused by a lot of people. To be honest, there's too much going on for me to really crit your bars, but they don't look too bad?

    Snew- Dope Simples, not feeling the top two as much as any of the others though.

    Meko- Not really feelig the arrows or the top right extension on your M. Or the handstyle, but I know how hard that shit is on a computer. Nice work with it otherwise

    Okae- Solid simp.

    I think I gave crits to most of the other peopl early or on the page before.

    First page of my new blackbook....already regretting the color choices. Still trying really hard to develop a style that works...maybe too hard? Crit?
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  9. Mr yarbles

    Mr yarbles Elite Member

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    No, you don't
  10. Lunchbox

    Lunchbox Senior Member

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    Um, taking that not as a joke, then dude go to the new to graff thread, because that shit is wack, back to the bars for you man.
  11. funhouseXcast

    funhouseXcast Elite Member

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    My first real legit character. bodies a tip =D

    edit: I suppose i should've made the tip more 3D-ish.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2009
  12. Kaiser71

    Kaiser71 Senior Member

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    Ha. I like it. I agree you could give the cap some 3D. It would look dope with some big high tops on his feet or something. Bu I guess that is kind of overdone in characters.
  13. NEZ89

    NEZ89 Senior Member

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  14. ReallyTrustFullStrangers

    ReallyTrustFullStrangers Senior Member

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  15. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Senior Member

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    haha man I love your cap character
    and I guess ill work on my handstyle more but I actually though it was pretty good...
  16. ReallyTrustFullStrangers

    ReallyTrustFullStrangers Senior Member

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  17. Zarb

    Zarb Senior Member

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  18. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Senior Member

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    I like it Zarb your drop shadow is a bit off though
  19. Zarb

    Zarb Senior Member

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    Yeah I had a feeling, where is it off?
  20. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    Your E basically has none.