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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    ryser- when inking, try to make longer strokes. u can tell u are sketchy with it. try making a line go from corner to corner. makes it look cleaner. as for the letters, i dont really like them. its good that u are using bars, but try to make them the same thickness and have a kind of flow.

    sonnytx- he means a drop shadow.
  2. weakfingers

    weakfingers Elite Member

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    Ryser - work on bars

    Messin around with some new letters and trying some drips. I know the T on the end looks like a C... Just felt like posting.
    and a simple straight.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2009
  3. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    ur sig is like mone but not as good,
    kins of sums up your life:)
  4. gumOnShoe

    gumOnShoe Elite Member

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    Last edited: Sep 15, 2009
  5. weakfingers

    weakfingers Elite Member

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    I was just stating that there is another established one. You can still write snore if you want but your not the only one.
  6. Keso

    Keso Senior Member

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  7. Mr yarbles

    Mr yarbles Elite Member

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    Too bad snore is a fuckign beast.
    Dude's known around the world and he gets down like fuck.
    If I saw a snore tag around here that wasn't legit it'd be crossed.
  8. Jokz

    Jokz Senior Member

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    some of these homies need to post shit in the simples thread and get some crits there first. not saying im much better lol but yea.
    get those simples down first
  9. B.S. POLICE

    B.S. POLICE Banned

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  10. Jokz

    Jokz Senior Member

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  11. Trestoner707

    Trestoner707 Senior Member

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    just cuz i felt a need to do simples cuz im out of practice so ill post this in here.
  12. A356

    A356 Member

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  13. B.S. POLICE

    B.S. POLICE Banned

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  14. B.S. POLICE

    B.S. POLICE Banned

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    gtfo with that internet shit
  15. DestroyLA

    DestroyLA Senior Member

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    is it really that simple?
  16. Trestoner707

    Trestoner707 Senior Member

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    haha that wasnt the reason behind it. i just wanted to excercise by doing my ABC's as simple as i could. which im using as an example for everyone who complains about what next after the blocks. you DO learn to bring your own style to it over time. correct me if im wrong guys

    i posted n outline n intermediate too
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2009
  17. weakfingers

    weakfingers Elite Member

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    Watch out ENC. Looking pretty simmaler to ENE and hes killing it...
  18. ryser

    ryser Member

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  19. LIZARD

    LIZARD Senior Member

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    the fill could use some work...the first r kinda looks like a B
  20. DestroyLA

    DestroyLA Senior Member

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    Ryser how come every letter is like attached to each other but then you dont do it for the R" and the Y"? Fix that. and your color scheme looks ugly