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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. LeaksOne

    LeaksOne Elite Member

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    nice kem. i like that. maybe bring the top right leg of the K out a bit
  2. Graffyk

    Graffyk Senior Member

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    A356: Nice shit. The fill is good, if anything, i'd say get some crits at the intermediate thread.
    StayHye: The bars don't keep the same size, and it doesn't look like you intentionally did it. I don't know what those blue lines are but they definetely don't belong there. The U and N don't really keep the same style as the D R and E. Keep at it.

    Dek2: Like it a lot. Nice and clean with good structure. Only crit i have is overalll too many extensions.

    Ryser: It's not bad, got good flow. Bring the bar of the first R down a little.

    [Broken External Image]:

    [Broken External Image]:
    Simple. I think pink black and blue is a hot combo.

    crits please.
  3. Fetusr

    Fetusr Senior Member

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    Hpir Id make the shadow on that a little bigger, and that e could use a bit of work, but otherwise it looks okay

    Graffyk your trying to draw in styles way beyond your skill level it looks like.. work a bit simpler

    View attachment 511033

    Thinking of painting this soon, was thinking chrome fill white for highlights and black for the outline.. any crits?
  4. Dek2

    Dek2 Member

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    Thanks for the crits dudes' fetusr im lovin that T
  5. Black Flag

    Black Flag Elite Member

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    You made a really common mistake here.

    You abandoned any attempt to provide solid letter structure for making cool backgrounds and colorways.

    You know you have a solid style when you can rock hollows with a single color and still look good.
  6. Graffyk

    Graffyk Senior Member

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    yeah, i get colorhappy alot and just go all out with my sharpies until it's bright and colorful.

    but the second one is (almost) as simple as simple can be. I just added colors to it. Need i really go simpler on that one, or is there a way i can improve it?
  7. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    Crits again please.
    Graffyk - The top one is better, but like Black Flag said, work on that letter structure.
    Fetusr - Not digging the T or the 3D.
    Kem - Looks alright, but could be better; I'm not sure how though.
  8. suparjafar

    suparjafar Senior Member

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  9. Fetusr

    Fetusr Senior Member

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    There is no 3D in my piece bruh, open your eyes and find your way back to the tot throwies forum!

    STFUPPERCUT Senior Member

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    Fury- keep at it man your on the write track basicly you just gotta keep practicing, throwies are something that develope over time and practice =]
  11. Dek2

    Dek2 Member

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    just finished this one.

    Attached Files:

    • J.jpg
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      105.7 KB
  12. Graffyk

    Graffyk Senior Member

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    Dek2 that shit is nice. Those dots dont really fit, but other than that it's clean and has flow

  13. (SoS)Viruz

    (SoS)Viruz Elite Member

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  14. LeaksOne

    LeaksOne Elite Member

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    you should move the hole in the R down a bit
  15. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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  16. remos

    remos Senior Member

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  17. drOping

    drOping Senior Member

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  18. Dek2

    Dek2 Member

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    yeah ha i debated on those for a min...
  19. DUNSY

    DUNSY Senior Member

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    hoer means prostitute in my language
  20. Cyto Aka Son1c

    Cyto Aka Son1c Elite Member

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