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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. OOPS!

    OOPS! Senior Member

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    You're a mark ass little punk.
  2. colderthanicee

    colderthanicee Member

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    Alright kid, stay wack, keep getting flamed; if you're not going to listin to anyone what is even the point of asking for crits?
  3. sinkilla1

    sinkilla1 Elite Member

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    does any of you wants to battle me to prove something ^^
  4. colderthanicee

    colderthanicee Member

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    I'll do it for fun, pm me info, you can pick the word.
  5. sinkilla1

    sinkilla1 Elite Member

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    lets do it on here and i really dont care u pick
  6. CrustOner

    CrustOner Elite Member

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    I know the K was meant to make it look like it was beating the T up. clever. There are such things as too many clouds and too many arrows. Arrows don't make everything look good. And Zebra and Retro can probably guess you care about them, possibly even in a homoerotic manner, without you putting them into your shitty simple with characters.

  7. Flawless Victory

    Flawless Victory Elite Member

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    I have 3 colored pencils to work with.
    FUCK colored pencils.
  8. suparjafar

    suparjafar Senior Member

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    anyone wanna throw exchange w/ roes? i need ideas
  9. -Empty-Can-

    -Empty-Can- Elite Member

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    All I use is colored pencils. Because thats all I have. lol
  10. CrustOner

    CrustOner Elite Member

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    Diggin' the P. I don't like the second O much, Earn. and there are two colors. What is the third?!
  11. Flawless Victory

    Flawless Victory Elite Member

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    the outline green is a different green. you can tell in the drops, but that's about it.
  12. sinkilla1

    sinkilla1 Elite Member

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    well heres my battle entry dont make fun of it to bad and crust theres no homo eratic manner they just ask me to shout dont ask me why
  13. Wow123

    Wow123 Member

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    Wow the boy hating on rekt sucks dick you don't no shit you are telling some one not to shout out to people who the f uck gave you the athority to talk shit bitch you probly write some gay shit tht I would cross so bad so shut the hell up
  14. xSonnyTx

    xSonnyTx Senior Member

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    Awwww look someone made a cute new account cause they didn't have the balls to post with their real one :) :) :)
  15. Wow123

    Wow123 Member

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    Your name is crust need I say. More
  16. CrustOner

    CrustOner Elite Member

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    Wait, what? My name is Resist, dumbass. And your name is Rekt. Need I say more. Let's see who you are, Wow123.
  17. sinkilla1

    sinkilla1 Elite Member

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    Nah that wasn't me that was prolly ma boy retro and I havethe balls to say anything on my account but now fuck u crust and sonny I don't know u but fuck u
  18. kew1

    kew1 Senior Member

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  19. sinkilla1

    sinkilla1 Elite Member

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    Hey crust get at me u wanna battle it will solve ur fucking hatred calling me out on this thread and the progreess thread bring if ur so mighty toBe so good bitch b
  20. Wow123

    Wow123 Member

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    Ok one resist or whatever sounds like your a pedo or mab y a gay eightys band two you think your amazing three this is a toy forum so if your so good why are you here dissing on this shit