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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. colderthanicee

    colderthanicee Member

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  2. colderthanicee

    colderthanicee Member

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    Fuck yeah!

    Peice is looking mad sick bro i b3t 1 get wy m0 upz den u.?!@
  3. OOPS!

    OOPS! Senior Member

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    Eel that style is fucking dope as hell
  4. colderthanicee

    colderthanicee Member

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    It's not like SABER wild, let's see some arrows curvys and tumors on them bad ayy letters!
  5. Zookyook

    Zookyook Elite Member

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  6. Poser

    Poser Member

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    Wow eel2 you suck
  7. LeaksOne

    LeaksOne Elite Member

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    wow poser where ever you are it must be opposite day......
  8. OOPS!

    OOPS! Senior Member

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    Poser you wouldn't know style if it dickslapped you.
  9. LeaksOne

    LeaksOne Elite Member

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  10. mawks

    mawks Senior Member

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  11. LeaksOne

    LeaksOne Elite Member

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    i like the bottom one but the left part of the M confused me. i thought it was a letter. and your K and M are kinda fat compared to the A and L
  12. wreckoner

    wreckoner Member

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  13. mawks

    mawks Senior Member

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    word thanks
  14. n8galicia

    n8galicia Senior Member

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    wreck: go simpler. and btw, about the whole graff community writes wreck so I would change your name
  15. FlippingChickens

    FlippingChickens Banned

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    Last edited: Dec 11, 2009
  16. sinkilla1

    sinkilla1 Elite Member

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    well i dont want to dis shit like crust but i will say its creat ive:rolleyes:
  17. AteskOne

    AteskOne Elite Member

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    that 3d's crip steppin all over the page. i'll leave it at that...
  18. faser

    faser Senior Member

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    yo paint that inspirational shit now niggz
  19. Flawless Victory

    Flawless Victory Elite Member

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    had me rollinnnnn
  20. weakfingers

    weakfingers Elite Member

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    Eel- Shits looking straight. I swear Ive seen your shit in toronto.
    Mawks- I like the second one the most, But I'm not feeliing the connected letters.
    Wreck- For some reason I like where that is going. Dont listen to the other people. If noone in your area writes wreck and you can do it well why stop.
    Wreckin Chikens- That peice has really cool colours and add ons but like the other guys said, Work on your 3-D. I cant really read your style.

    Trying to do some flair off letters. What do you guys think?