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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. RustySpoon

    RustySpoon Senior Member

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    empty can- I understand what youre trying to do but it just doesnt work IMO, the S throws it off completely. Take off the extension on the bottom left of the R too.
  2. BlacktodaFuture

    BlacktodaFuture Elite Member

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    gumonshoe: Really feelin those throws.
    Stotr: the top of those T's are kinda big and that top of the S has too many bumps imo.
  3. markingz.

    markingz. Banned

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    hey empty can thats dope man good job
  4. FlippingChickens

    FlippingChickens Banned

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    safe - the k is retarded,the bar coming out the c going to the left looks wierd next to the u,the dexter shit is good but im not fealing the arrows

    gum - digging the throws especially that lower case a,the k is bad tho,like your e on the pencil one

    empty - the s looks bad with everything else..the r looks bad on the bottom left
  5. -Empty-Can-

    -Empty-Can- Elite Member

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    The S isn't supposed to match. Please refer to the caption under the photo.
  6. FlippingChickens

    FlippingChickens Banned

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  7. RustySpoon

    RustySpoon Senior Member

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    FlippingChickens - I'm diggin those throwies but the bottom letters seem like you're trying too hard.

    I know I fucked up on the fill.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2010
  8. Zookyook

    Zookyook Elite Member

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    gotsta work on ur 3d tofe, many mistakes there... and remember what i said yesterday about the lines in ur bars not matching up...

    stot it just doesnt look right, i see what ur goin for, and the S is slick for a throw, but im not diggin the style changes in the same piece

    safer i like the S, but the arrow extension shouldnt be thicker than the bars in the letter IMO, and it looks too much like the shape of an A... the spot thats shattered might throw u off when u try to make out the S, so maybe shatter the extension part and itll fix both problems...... the fuck china just seems to start a bit small and get bigger on both words, bring the left bar of the F up, and the left bar of the H down and make the C a little bigger and it should look right... is that a thorough crit? hah
  9. gumOnShoe

    gumOnShoe Elite Member

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    E? those two E's are the same, only difference is that i messed up trying to put shadow in the middle of the E.

    oh, and wann'a help me out with the K? never did like how the K's looked like when i did em'.
  10. Zookyook

    Zookyook Elite Member

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    the K is fresh gum... change the E though, dont put a 3d in the middle like that, just a simple horizontal line would work better
  11. take2

    take2 Senior Member

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    Heres a recent one crit pleasse
    TOFE- straighten up your bars dawg. The T, F, and bottom of the E are a bit wack (bad) I like your 3-d idea just straighten it up a bit
    STOT- I see what your going for but its not really workin. The letters alone are nice, but put together it's not that good. Though I'M FEELIN THE TOT AND R (oops caps lock I'm not feelin them THAT much lol) Do some nice straights with those and what up wit the fill?
    Ikue- thanks
    Safe- S is good now finish that dawg
  12. gumOnShoe

    gumOnShoe Elite Member

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    @ Zookyook

    well, idk. the 3d on the middle of the E was a mistake. D:
    i was trying to give the E more personality by opening it up, cause that "horizontal line" thing is really suppose a backwards 3 lookin' E, y'know?
    idk though, i hate the single horizontal line personally.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2010
  13. Freaker

    Freaker Senior Member

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  14. gumOnShoe

    gumOnShoe Elite Member

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    i fucks wit' these straights, dude.
    and the throw isn't that bad, the K is tough too.
  15. Zookyook

    Zookyook Elite Member

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    yea the E has been done over and over.... maybe kick out the bottom of it to match the kick on the K... u could do the same point at the top left of the T and i think itd come together nice
  16. Myth603

    Myth603 Member

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  17. take2

    take2 Senior Member

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    Your kind off getting it. Letters are constructed out of bars which you use in the H and M.
    Try to keep all bars the same size and don't do any add ons. Read the new to graffiti thread and don't try to make it look to much like graffiti at first
  18. LeaksOne

    LeaksOne Elite Member

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    take work on cleaning it up just a bit. other then that the letters are straight
  19. RustySpoon

    RustySpoon Senior Member

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    Bump for crits
  20. funhouseXcast

    funhouseXcast Elite Member

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    i feel like that A and the K don't belong in the same piece. The A has curves and small extensions where the K is almost as basic as it gets. And i keep trying to post and it won't let me. I'm getting mod blocked </3