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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. lord_plankton

    lord_plankton Elite Member

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    hahah, and im like "the black one looks better" ..well the perspective and color do make a diffrence..dese last latest piece is worse, first off id like round the bottom part d..its what most sticks out at first glance..mid part of e is long dong..
    overall too much cracks n shit...
  2. Inlyn08

    Inlyn08 Senior Member

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    I lol'd.
  3. TheToy

    TheToy Elite Member

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  4. pleasedontstayr

    pleasedontstayr Senior Member

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    are you kidding me?
    [Broken External Image]:

    The bend in that T is horrible, it looks like it has a leg and T's dont have legs. The extension on the top right of the O is way too fat, and shouldnt be there in the first place, not to mention the bars on the O look like he tried to make a diamond shape on the outside and a curvy type on the inside. which then makes the bars uneven. the extension on the bottom of the F is too small and makes it look awkward, an F does not need a leg either. dont cut into your bars like you did on the middle bar of the F. the random bump coming off the back of the base bar on the F looks stupid as fuck and doesnt fit, The curve on the top bar of the F doesnt match the bottom part of the bar or any letter but the E for that matter. And just scrap the E and never think of using it again because i dont want to crit it. The 3D on the bottom left diagonal bar is missing, the 3d on the O is missing as well on the top left bar. the inside 3d looks like shit because you fucked up your bars. the F is missing 3d on that wonky penis looking thing at the top of it. and once again im not touching on that E. we have told you so many fucking times i stopped counting. stick to simples. no extensions. nothing. nothing at all. simples until you can learn how to properly tweak a letter or QUIT GRAFFITI.'

    sorry but this had to be said.

    Edit: rewt ive always liked your style of slanting the letters. your simples are looking clean as hell these days, start tweaking? or are you just gonna keep rockin em? really feelin that colour combo too.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2010
  5. GuyGuyer of Guyland

    GuyGuyer of Guyland Senior Member

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    shut the fuck up. half of what you said isnt even worth reading.

    his T and F are fine. and his E wouldnt be horrible if it was standing up. look 5 pages back an try an front like he isnt improving

    tofe, tone it down a bit. he does have a point in keepin it simple for now. granted that black an blue one you did wasnt too bad. just stop doing what you do with your E. it hurts my head
  6. pleasedontstayr

    pleasedontstayr Senior Member

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    maybe i did go a bit overboard but that E has bars all over the place so i dont see how standing it up would improve it. if you looked maybe 100 pages back. you would see him posting the same stuff over and over and being told the same things. i guess my crits made it look like i thought the whole thing was shit. its aesthetically pleasing, the fill is cool albeit raping my eyes like i had ADHD. but when you look at the structure its off, hence why we always tell him to go simpler.
  7. GuyGuyer of Guyland

    GuyGuyer of Guyland Senior Member

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    yes, he needs to go simpler. no he dosent need to rock block letters. yes, he should.

    he's having fun and trying to improve a bit. he dosent need to take letter formation as serious as many do because he dosent take graffiti as a whole that serious.

    helpful tips will show him the right direction. but it seems he just wants to doodle around like a typical 13 year old. i doubt he's into graffiti for any clout or wall painting sense or whatnot.

    realize different people need different approaches when it comes to tips. the way you said it, he wont listen to anything you said. rather than being nice and have him listen to half of what ive said.

    maybe he'll realize he wants to paint in the future and when he does. he'll realize that shit wont look too fly on a wall. at that point in his life. he'll revert to block letters to regain some of what he missed.

    i dont disagree with you, but the way you threw it at him just seemed over the top
  8. TheToy

    TheToy Elite Member

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    Thanks, dude. I've been tweaking a little bit on paper with pencil. Small bends in letters and curves and some extensions. Just been workin' on each individual letter but still a little apprehensive. Messin' with drop shadows/3D from different angles. I'll probably keep rockin' straights for a while as I work on paper. Hopefully it all evolve into something better someday.
  9. weakfingers

    weakfingers Elite Member

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    The toy posting in toy blackbooks!?!.... oh now Ive seen everything! :)


    On the real tho I'm hyped on seeing your tweak your style.
  10. FlippingChickens

    FlippingChickens Banned

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    stayr - quit being such a little bitch and telling me to quit,ive been doing this for years im not quitting cuz some prick has his period,ive fucking progressed a massive amount this past week because guy knows how to give good crits unlike you and the rest of the scumbags who just told me to what, just because i fucked up in this one peice does not mean i havent been rocking out some better shit.Guy,i do take graffiti seriously,honestly i had no what i was doing when i was 13,14,15,16,and now im 17 almost 18 still trying to figure shit out,but i have like 7 blackbooks filled with horrible shit regardless of it being toy i still had dedication and a thrill for doing so many peices..since i was 14 every morning and afternoon id take the train to school and basicly i started doing a bunch of tags everyday and i just recently got a car so ive been doing that cycle for sometime now..nothing to brag about but i have put myself at risk for this shit and been mad close to being caught once
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2010
  11. FlippingChickens

    FlippingChickens Banned

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  12. weakfingers

    weakfingers Elite Member

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    Flipping chickens- You gotta just focus on the basic of graffiti, the letter bends and all the drippy shit and colours are cool but the structure is pretty lacking. You should be able to rock a solid 2 colour piece befor your go all out with effects and shit. That whole Ive been writing for 5 years and filled 7 black books aint something to stand by. Its up to YOU to get better, Its all about self motivation. I'm not trying to put you on blast this is just a general holla to most of the kids on the forum.

    We all get harsh crits on the site but proove the fools wrong and work hard and come back with a sketch that will leave them speechless.

    Ive seen so many kids on the site just do the same shit all the tiome and never change up there shit and stay super toy for the whole time I've been on here., I know its the number one rule of graffiti but bite graffiti. Get ideas from other styles, who the fuck cares, your a toy and just draw that shit over and over till its not the same anymore and its a new letter structure, Every one has seen that letter they liked and tried it out & I'll be the first one to say, Most of my styles have come from one bitten letter I'll see in a piece I really like that has one of my letters. Ill combine it with my own and I'll tweak it and work with it and sooner or later itill be a completely different letter. I'll post some progression pics in abit...
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2010
  13. GuyGuyer of Guyland

    GuyGuyer of Guyland Senior Member

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    tofe, that purple an pink one is the best thing ive seen from you. in fact, its better than most of the shit ive seen the past week. keep it up homie. the bottom part of the spine of the F is too forced, i dont think it looks too good.

    the O is fresh, the E is nearly point on. the top half of your T is dope. keep it up man

    just keep sketchin. 5 outlines a day, no color. thats how you get your letters bang on yah dig?

    yo weakfingers, did you just tell this guy to bite? what the fuck.. yo tofe. dont bite. inspiration and biting are completely different. biters aint writers.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2010
  14. weakfingers

    weakfingers Elite Member

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    All im trying to say is try completely new shit and youll progress a shitload.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2010
  15. TheToy

    TheToy Elite Member

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    Haha. Dude, I have the worst ADHD. I can never sit down and finish a drawing. That one only took five minutes and it felt like hours. I'm trying to fight the urge to start something new when I'm only have way through something or just completely start doodling something else. I'm my own worst enemy cause I have no patience. I think that's why my style has been lacking lately.
  16. YaPp3RoN3R

    YaPp3RoN3R Member

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    i know the letters are different , i did that on purpose , i want it to look gooffy
  17. YaPp3RoN3R

    YaPp3RoN3R Member

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    i know the letters are different , i did that on purpose , i want it to look gooffy
  18. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    I kinda like it.... the y is sick in my opinion
  19. lord_plankton

    lord_plankton Elite Member

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    well you can go n store it under achievements, it does look goofy..
  20. YaPp3RoN3R

    YaPp3RoN3R Member

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    well i wanted it that way ,, u have any other pointers?