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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. Amends_Ego

    Amends_Ego Senior Member

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    kilts-everything that RES said plus you look like you have the basic structure of shit down just dont force the bends and add ons let it come naturally to you,
  2. Sbal

    Sbal Elite Member

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    Slape its too much color too soon, even if it was dope, it wont save your lacking letter structure
  3. Meph*

    Meph* Guest

    thanks kilt, n yeah i know its not graffiti but yeh i jst had to post my ae86 lol not many people like that car.
  4. zennegen

    zennegen Banned

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    exchange for rasek. S came out shitty.
  5. -Empty-Can-

    -Empty-Can- Elite Member

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    View attachment 566081
    exchange for tofe
    quick and simple.
    half assed the O
    first thing i drew in like a month
    critz it
  6. pleasedontstayr

    pleasedontstayr Senior Member

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    Tofe, i didnt straight out say quit graffiti. i said if you cant follow the advice we've been giving for awhile then just quit. harsh but thats how i crit, along with a few others on this site. but all e beef aside that outline on the far right set of pictures you did on the last page was rockin i wont lie. i still dont like the extension on the top of the O and the top of the F but keep at it.

    Zenn: i havent seen you post anything in a long time man, if ever. Not startin beef at all but for the first thing ive seen from you that style is wicked dude. on a side note that R and K look like the exact opposite if you know what i mean, but maybe thats how you wanted it i dunno!

    Kilt: good to see your startin the simples, i would say maybe space your letters out a tiny bit because they look a bit crowded, also try and fix the way your bending them because they are going like this /\/\ if you understand that? make em flow the same way. if you havent checked out the new to graffiti thread in this side of the forum you should cause its really helpful.

    ill post pics for all the talking soon but my cam shit itself this week and hasnt wiped its ass yet.
  7. GuyGuyer of Guyland

    GuyGuyer of Guyland Senior Member

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    your perspective is off a bit at the end of the car, but its done real well

    thanks homie, looks awesome! ill have yours up soon, just got off work. gonna finish the outline tonight
  8. RES4

    RES4 Elite Member

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    the top should be parallel to the bottom of the windscreen which should be parallel to the front which should be parallel to the bottom, right?

    other than that its good
  9. FlippingChickens

    FlippingChickens Banned

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    empty - came out straight homie,ill do you one today...gonna try and rock a few outlines today,ill be back later...

    zenegan - dam those letters are sharp,real nice.

    meph - came out nice,ur good with characters maybe do one sticking its head out the window or leaning by the car or something
  10. zennegen

    zennegen Banned

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    thanks alot, guys.i'll post more flciks later.
  11. oh_kilts

    oh_kilts New Member

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    hokay, heres a new one. I took out the bends going in random directions and put them all going to the right (which is what i think you guys ment), removed the tumor on the K and flattened out the T - I also added an S, because S's are rad and I like drawing them, lol.

  12. Meph*

    Meph* Guest

  13. Meph*

    Meph* Guest

    kilt- the i is too far behind the k and i dont like it following the same lines as the L, just an honest opinion
  14. pleasedontstayr

    pleasedontstayr Senior Member

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    kilt i like the fact you took the advice man, good job, its lookin decent for how new you are but like the guy above me said the I is a bit too hidden and the symmetrical I and L arent working too well. following our advice lead to that mistake but its all good haha, just either try and add a small extension to that L n the back or tweak the top of that L a bit more so it pushes away from the I if you understand. if not just find your own way to space em out. either way keep it up.
  15. RES4

    RES4 Elite Member

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    gettin better. next time space out the i and the l which has already been said and maybe try and smooth the bend instead of pointed like that you know?
    try and make the bottom left bar of the k follow the flow of the rest. it sort of sticks out and kills the flow/movement whatever
  16. FlippingChickens

    FlippingChickens Banned

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  17. -Empty-Can-

    -Empty-Can- Elite Member

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    haha. cool
    I think the arms could be moved back a bit more though.
  18. FlippingChickens

    FlippingChickens Banned

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    Last edited: Jun 4, 2010
  19. LeaksOne

    LeaksOne Elite Member

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    you gota work on that handy too. the handy with the sonic character.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2010
  20. pleasedontstayr

    pleasedontstayr Senior Member

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    dont cut your letters off like that Tofe, im talking about the T's
    meh the handy is simple, just dont slant it.
    same with the sketch too

    heres a sketch i did today in my classes, just for all the talking this week.
    crits? i dont like the S.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2010