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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. BoomSlang

    BoomSlang Senior Member

    • Messages: 140
    • Likes Received: 0 bout ...ya cant read what the others say at all. no structure, no flow, bars all odd widths 3d shot. loose the extensions, they are senseless... need more to go on or does that about cover it?
    there is a reason people tell you go simple. its because the basics need to be solid before you move up the ladder and your graff actually makes sense. otherwise you could to on doing what your doing. graff the word hfgihugrh , tell everyone it says awesome and see how good your bullshitting skills are..

    Mogan,smooth style i am a fan of your pieces
  2. BoomSlang

    BoomSlang Senior Member

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    Phat i like most of it bud but i think i would have kept solid conventional 3d. the bubbles and white make it hard to tell the diff between 3d and the pebble background
  3. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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    bump for crits please
    it's very simple i know, but everytime I try to add some style I fuck it up..
  4. Minx

    Minx Member

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    Not much to say really, I think it speaks for it's self, basic bars... I'm trying to think of ways that you can make it more stylish without forcing you into a position where you copy something, as it's better to develop your own style than imitate others. However, if you're really struggling maybe it would be better to; that way you can work on slowly manipulating the shape of letters without trying something so complicated, that you don't know how the letters should look and end up fucking it up. Here's a few dubs and pieces from round my way, I think they're good examples of how to manipulate the shape of the letters without making it look ugly or un-natural.

    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:

    Very simple, but very stylish. Try not to copy, but try and add some of these curves and angles to your bars, to give your basic letters style. You can then work on more complicated stuff from there...
  5. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    then don't add any style, EXI, just try different widths and heights, try different coloring styles, shadows and 3D, shines... experiment experiment experiment BUT keep the simple letters. don't add extensions and try to style your letters up just yet, master your straight letters first and then move on to adding style little by little, not now though, I dont think ure ready yet.
    another remark that I think I've mentioned before, change ur name, there's a zewl bomber on these forums goes by nose2.
    make all your letters the same dimensions with all the bars the same width. (see how the R's taller and the W's wider than the other letters)
    trial and error kid... go for it
    I don't think he's ready for that level of style yet, Minx

    on another note, I need more comments and crits on my piece up there - specifically regarding letter structure and other letter-related issues. I think that's the area where I need most work on
    Thanks Boomslang
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  6. (SoS)Viruz

    (SoS)Viruz Elite Member

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    Dont paint Dizer or DIZE or even Doze for that Matter.
    1)Dizer/Dize Paints with Augor from MSK and he's from Ohio (He very established and upper a lot.)
    2) Doze......Man not trying to knock you at all but are you tryin to rock DOSE's style from the Ironlak Team. Serious...Your work is mad influenced by him I can seriously tell. If you contiune to rock that ish someone is really going to call you out like big time.

    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  7. FuckTheFame

    FuckTheFame Elite Member

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    random fliks


    supposed to say priest but the s let me down


    phat 2 - coming out with some real style there man. the A could prob use a little work tho
    unique - ill. would be nice to see more stuff like that man
  8. Village Idiot

    Village Idiot Member

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    few months back. had to edit out some scribble and writing from the back.

    Attached Files:

  9. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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    I also explained to you why I am roling with this name. It means ALOT to me to use this name, if that means being close to Zewl, I'm fine with that, my dad gave me inspiration for everything, if I started graffiti'ing when he was alive he would buy me paint, buy me markers etc. I feel that since I have used this name, I have wanted to write more and wanted to perfect it because my dad deserves to be looking up from where ever he is and see that I'm admiring him with what I enjoy doing.
    On topic-
    I see what your talking about, I'll probably draw out 4 perfect simple REWL's and fill, shade, shine, highlight, 3d them all different and get the hang of them and see what you guys think. Thanks for the crits to both of you, minx and Phat.
    As of crits on your piece, It's very sick and fresh, ONLY thing I don't like with your porportions is your A on the left bar, how there's a piece missing, I don't think it fits it that well, but hey, I'm a toy
  10. swae101

    swae101 Member

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    canvas ive been working on

  11. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    I gotchu buddy, this conv about ur dad is going on between these 2 different topics so I'm replying to you there and ure replying to me here... kinda getting long. but anyway, check it, that bit u talked about in the left bar of the A is pushed out of the bar to the left if u can notice it. still the same width though, just cut out of the bar and pushed out
  12. Minx

    Minx Member

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    I think it's the next step he should be aiming for if he wants to add a bit of style to his letters. It's not hard, it just takes a bit of tweaking and a bit of practice to understand what kind of curves and what kind of angles look right.

    [Broken External Image]:

    Instead of keeping everthing square, try and angle stuff a little. Instead of ending bars in a square, try and cut them off a little into a point. Don't go crazy, just make tiny little subtle changes, it can change the look of your letters dramatically.
  13. NosE2

    NosE2 Elite Member

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    yo rewl like i said i gave you the ok to write it. but dont get cocky about it dude. that may be innappropriate as fuck, and im sorry i came off that way. But yea write it man i honestly dont care. doubt i will ever get really up anyway. here's some shit i stumbled across from february ish.
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
  14. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    I can't see the E or W in the third picture. Your 3D was okay at the top, you still need to practice though.
  15. NosE2

    NosE2 Elite Member

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  16. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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    yeah zewl i aint gunna get cocky at all, your way above my skill with paint so i could never burn you for ego and im not that type of person so. and i love that second picture, that would be a killer roller in my opinion or a killer signature to a piece
    you said work on fills phat
    and im working on something that seems pretty good to me, takin around an hour to draw so hopefully you guys like it, ill post when im done.
  17. NosE2

    NosE2 Elite Member

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    your gettin there, and at a good pace homie. just keep workin on the w. and your pretty much better at 3d in 3 weeks then i have been in years, haha so good for you. one suggestion tho, instead of connectin them all close like that? try spacin em out a little, anglin em a bit, makes that 3d pop a lot more.
  18. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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    yeah i usally have gaps between them and that, but I just made them as bland as I can so i can work on the filling sort of you know? and it was to learn the "boxes" the letters stay in so the letters dont get bigger than one another
    okay finished it..
    heres one without highlights (just incase i messed them up)
    and heres with highlights (to me they look good but im a toy :D)
    crits please!!!
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  19. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    You're missing a few highlights, a part of the W's 3D is a little messy and the R is fatter than the rest.
  20. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    and make all your highlights shine from the same side, like for ex. your highlights are shining on both the left and right side of the R while they're shining only on the right side of the EWL. so just pick one side and think to yourself which parts would have light on them if u shone a light from one specific angle. same principle goes to shadows if you're having trouble with them (which I doubt since you got basic knowledge of your 3D)
    but yeah like zewl said, ure progressing fast. keep it up buddy
    props on the wave fill too :)

    who's down for a nice full color piece exchange or battle ?