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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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    thanks for crits guys!! ill make sure to fix those things and phat with highlights im confused. someone said do it opposite of 3d so thats why its like that..
  2. BoomSlang

    BoomSlang Senior Member

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    exi, pick a point on the paper and consider it your light source, any leading lines that are exposed to that light source would get the highlight.
    right side upper light source= any upper bar lines or right ones would get a highlight
    top light source= any line exposed from the top but none of the side bars
    and so on. try different ones and you will see the difference.
    example of right side highlighting
    View attachment 591072
  3. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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    ooo okay boom slang thanks.. so is this better?
  4. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    Rewl - looking better
    Zewl - a little too much wild not enough style on that one pic the rest are okay, but try improving them more

    In with the new shit out with the old shit, there is a lot of detail in the karak, but the pic is pretty small, I'll try to finish it up soon. crits please?

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  5. BoomSlang

    BoomSlang Senior Member

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    highlights looking better bud but basic structure still needs a bit of work. try to keep all bars the same width and consistent.
    example bottom right of the r is a bit thinner than the rest of the letter.
    bottom of the e is thinner than the top
    careful on the 3d, would prolly leave it out for a bit till structure is a bit better but to crit whats there so you see the flaws...
    all letters look to have bottom left 3d except the L..where is the 3d on the lower bit of it?
    not saying things to be a prick bud but you have to train yourself to see the errors and correct them before they are in ink or paint in order to improve
  6. BoomSlang

    BoomSlang Senior Member

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    vini, need a bigger pic to crit bud
  7. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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  8. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    someone didnt know wht dey were talkin bout
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  9. Flawless Victory

    Flawless Victory Elite Member

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    Do it opposite of the SHADOW.
    Or the three dee.
    Fuck, do it wherever.
  10. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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    thanks for the comments guys

    ARTCRIME Member

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    i drew this for a friend

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  12. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    Okay here a little better, I'm gonna fix the highlight and the karak a little more and some other shit. crits?

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  13. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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    pretty sick i think mesa, only thing is the M is too small for the rest of the letters as bars wise
    i have no style, gettin tired of simps, everytime i try i fail...
  14. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    Okay, I think you maybe trying to hard, style doesn't mean you have to bend and break and twist stuff like crazy, just simple curves. Try to put letters on a slant a little maybe, just simple stuff make it look better. You should try stuff like that rather than bend things a lot or breaking parts of pieces. And When I started I was about 10000000 times worse than you, and I didn't realize it and didn't do simps and stuff. You're doing it the right way, and you are improving, it takes time man, don't give up.
  15. NosE2

    NosE2 Elite Member

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    alright rewl. i think i figured out what you need to do for your w. take away the straight bars on the sides. i did these for a while and got tired of them very quickly because straight up and down w's dont look very appealing. just start bendinnn shit homie, i think you can do it. =] heres some w's i did in like 15 seconds hopefully this'll give you an idea of how they should start to progress
    [Broken External Image]:
  16. BoomSlang

    BoomSlang Senior Member

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    Vini, char looks ok but to be honest i dont like yer letters much.too inconsistent with size and bar width for me i think. E looks like the thickest letter out of the lot from here.
    Exi your trying to do too much too soon. Graff is 50% talent,30% patience and 20% humility. Talent is built by having patience and being humble enough to listen to other peoples views of your work and applying the advice you are given in order to make you a better writer.
    I would strip down even more if it were me, stop bending things all together until you can do a dead straight with no 3d and have it be something your proud of.
    Instead of the squiggly r you keep trying do one that looks like this R ... Follow suit right down the line till you can do them in your sleep and have bar width dead on for every letter, then and only then start adding 3d or chips,cracks,extensions. And then only add them little by little. The simpler the better for now till basics are solid
  17. BoomSlang

    BoomSlang Senior Member

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    NosE way too early for him to be "bendinnn shit homie" and btw ya can tell those were done in like 15 seconds. Explains why there isnt a matching bar width in the lot
  18. NosE2

    NosE2 Elite Member

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    i hope youre kidding homie, obviously its a fucking rough sketch. why dont you do some w's then, cause id like to see what you come up with.

    edit: i never see you post anything bro, all you do is crit crit crit. so i looked up the last pic you posted....that asic battle. fucking terrible. so dont worry about what i do. im pretty sure this dude wants my advice and not yours. fall back
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  19. BoomSlang

    BoomSlang Senior Member

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    Lol maybe you should look elsewhere skippy, not everything i do is posted here. And funny enough while i am all for the blind leading the blind it gets a bit wearing when they are given detremental directions
  20. FuckTheFame

    FuckTheFame Elite Member

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    bump for crits