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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. Minx

    Minx Member

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    This isn't going to happen over night, it takes practice, lots of practice. But what you need to realise is that for every good outline you draw when starting out, there's going to be twenty crap outlines in the bin. You need to experiment, try shit and learn from your mistakes. This is why looking at other people's graffiti can help you acomplish this faster, as you can learn from their mistakes as well as your own. I'm not telling you to copy everyone, because that's the wrong thing to do, but you should deffinately take ideas from people and try them to see if it fits you.

    As for that image, how about this time, you tell us what you think is wrong?
  2. MoganOne

    MoganOne Moderator

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  3. BoomSlang

    BoomSlang Senior Member

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    minx, until exi has basic structure he should not vary his letters.
    if he cant pull off the simplest straight how does it make sense to add more and try other things?
    i agree with zook, pieces need some care and color in them, erase the lines inside the e for example add a bit of color, dontrt making them look like pieces bother with 3d yet or if you do restrict it to straight down or straight to a side until you get the concept down.
    start making them look like pieces.
    some of the coolest pieces out there are evolved from straight simples with the addition of color,background,3d and effects they can look like the most awesome burners out there and the best bit is they can still be read.

    Mogan..quality as usual , only thing i dont get on it is the right side of the k, to me it looks like it should be turned the other way but tis cool none the less
  4. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    yeah that got me as well, I thought it might have even been an R, dope though, always like your pieces.
  5. FlippingChickens

    FlippingChickens Banned

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    Last edited: Nov 11, 2010
  6. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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    Mogan.. your letter structure isn't very consistent, your extensions are wack and make no sense, there's too much negative space, and the flow is strange. Props on cleanliness, and the drop shadow on the end of each letter. I can say that about nearly every piece you've done, though.

    Everything else on this page sucks.
  7. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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  8. Shofs17

    Shofs17 Member

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    One of my friends name
    done in paint

    Attached Files:

    • nay.jpg
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      24 KB
  9. Minx

    Minx Member

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    You need to learn to walk before you learn to run, in my opinion you should be working on dubs long before you think about adding more colors or a fancy fill in for a piece. If you get the letters right, graffiti can look good in only two colors, but get the letters wrong, it doesn't matter how many colors you add to it, your piece can still look like shit... There's really not much more he can do to his letters other than make the lines a bit straighter (something he'll learn in time), which is why he should keep trying to change the bars untill he actually gets the hang of it... I'm not going to say anything else really as he can choose how he wants to progress, but that's my two cents on it...
  10. the cannabis evangelist

    the cannabis evangelist Elite Member

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    ahh i forgot wat this thread was like
    the blind leading the blind thru a minefeild
  11. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    cuz none of the real experienced people wanna help toys, and then they get mad that everyone is a toy.
  12. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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  13. Sbal

    Sbal Elite Member

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    those are some shitty lookin cuts bro
  14. extinct

    extinct Senior Member

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    if i was a mighty fine chick i would cry my eyes out... but im not.... the background is like a fart cloud.... the serifs.... look that 1 up... are pretty bad... might as well print something of of graffiti creator... speak openly or not at all
  15. Gillian16098

    Gillian16098 New Member

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  16. ghostwriter

    ghostwriter Senior Member

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    what are you talking bout speak openly about what you cause you know i stay kush
  17. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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    good to know that i suck at anything i try. thanks for the crits
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
  18. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    Okay if you wanna do all caps for this piece you need to spread out all the letters and then just fill any negative space with your 3D, that is how it'll look the best without taking tons of style skill.
  19. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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    okay, ill move them apart just a tad on the canvas
  20. Minx

    Minx Member

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    I like your U (not because it looks like a U), it's the best letter you've drawn so far, although if you cut the tail a tiny bit shorter, I think that would actually look good as a J... Just keep trying, I know it might feel like you're getting no where, but eventually you'll get a feel for things...