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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    this is the piece i was workin on for the last battle, i got real lazy and it was takin way too long and i didnt have any good pencils. i like the S and the A and K arent bad, the S turned out shitty tho. figured id just post it for the hell of it

    [Broken External Image]:
  2. trashpickaflash

    trashpickaflash Member

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    shitty picture. wish I had a real camera. I'm okay with the AID, not a fan of the GR though. Crits?
  3. Female

    Female Senior Member

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    @Ian the arrow behind the k is random, overall i like the idea you should finish
    @Graid is your bg corn? i'm curious .
  4. thepekins

    thepekins Guest

    graid your I is weird just make it straight.
  5. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    its comin off the top of the A, kinda hard to tell becuase i had the shadow from the K on it so and i made it pretty dark so it looks like its not connected to anything
  6. ..romero..

    ..romero.. Elite Member

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    so i wanted crits but i really didnt get guys are lame.

    i know how shit goes,crits for crits or ima critique some of yall niggras

    SAMURAI-lord jesus,where do i start looks obvious that this is your first few months,because its very similar to how i started out.first off your letters are overlapping too much,before i read your post i thought it said sakurai...your m is almost non distinguishable
    becuase of the S's them out more so that the individual letters are better able to be recognized.the s as the A's middle bar is a bad look,its its own letter and shouldnt have to depend on other letters making up its bars.also the i is unrecognizable because its so small.dont trip just practice more

    NYNJA.i cant read it.i think you should go back to simples until you have a better understanding of the letters,honestly i think that you hsould find someone who knows what their doing with 3ds.i cant even do homies can though,in the end it takes alot of practice and alot of patience,but if thats the style your wanna do i suggest you work on making the letters more pronouncable.really just keep practicing.

    NEWT-nice little should make sure that your individual bars are more consistent
    in thickness,they look cattywampus,im not saying to make your letters more rigid or block like
    but the actual bars them selfs should be be equal in consistency the whole lenght of the bar

    really it looks like something that will correct itself with more practice,your on the right track though.

    i can haz critz nao?
  7. TastyMcNasty

    TastyMcNasty Elite Member

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    romero- lookin good, the only thing i dont really like is the bar at the bottom of the R and K
  8. trashpickaflash

    trashpickaflash Member

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    The light brown part is like a bannerish thing. I was just messing around with it, and the blue parts is a swarm of faceless ghosts.
  9. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    isnt there someone that already writes rock1 ?
  10. Dcicfhbimv

    Dcicfhbimv Senior Member

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    Of course you can haz critz now. honestly didnt look back to this thread till just now so I totally missed your post. I can see what your talking about regarding the letters and it shows in your work. the extention dipping from the end of the "R" is alright I'd just make the one on the "K" go the opposite way you know inward to match. And the o and c work but come off a bit weak. Looking back you used the extention from the "k" to make the 1 so maybe you could just use the back end to tie it inward and leave the front one as is. Hope it helps. And no not my 1st few months. Just screwing around trying to make something out of nothing.

  11. Nynja

    Nynja Member

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    Yea i know the 3d is completly horrible at the moment, i havent stopped practicing letter structure and basics, this is just something i came up with recently and have only done about 3 pieces with to see if i like the concept of 3d multiple perspective. And thanks ian hopefully i can find someone who is good with 3d when i get back from basic, also it probably is the direction i will go once i get everything down.

    Dcicfhbimv- i really dig the whole samurai theme, but the letters do need to be more seperated, im not a big fan of how there are really close for the SAM and more spread apart for the UARI half. Other than that its a really good piece!

    NEWT- i like how simple it is, seems very clean, and the green outline is very subtle but looks good!

    Romero- other than the extensions on the R and K it looks pretty good, except my first quick glance at the R sorta looked like a B so maybe move the leg out a little? keep up the good work, i would definitly like to see it redone.

    Ian- awsome concept the arrow connected to the A does look a little off but if you finish it im sure it would look great! shoot i would even send you a good set of pencils to see it finshed! haha keep working on it, its looking good.
  12. ghostwriter

    ghostwriter Senior Member

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  13. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    the bottom of the left bar of the r came out a little small, idk if you meant to do that but if it was the same width as the top part the r, it might look better
  14. FuckTheFame

    FuckTheFame Elite Member

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    not really feeling the extensions off the bottom right of your R and K...turn em into arrows?
    haha other than that its honestly a solid piece
    letters could be a little more all the same size
    but its got some real style
  15. ..romero..

    ..romero.. Elite Member

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    i haz the crits,now i can go back to slumber in my cave,only reappearing on BS to devour toys and deliver lulz.i'll deliver them but none of you seem to get the jokes,i assume its because your all canadians...

    god damn canucks.
  16. Real Gangsta Shit

    Real Gangsta Shit Member

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  17. thepekins

    thepekins Guest

    obviously this is just my opinion but you guys shuoldnt be working on 3-d stuff like that, just work on normal letters and get that solid before you try that stuff. were not all daim on here.. but do what you want thats just my 2 cenzz

    [Broken External Image]:
    ignore the B in this i ran out of space its retarded
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
  18. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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  19. Fluffy Bunnies

    Fluffy Bunnies Elite Member

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    very informative lol

    i wouldnt say i hate them, they just arent very well done, like man i can do that and i dont even do characters. do something thats unique to you, like something that doesnt look like me or the next guy can do or little jimmy down the street
    and ur letters look like they on the way, not totally awesome but you'll get better in time... i hope
  20. H1P30N3R

    H1P30N3R Elite Member

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    The concept is nice some of the best ive seen from you get it tweaked dont give up on this 1