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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. thepekins

    thepekins Guest

    Its not like im saying "oh a charac i did". that stuff is just doodles from school, nothing serious you know.
  2. ENKM

    ENKM Member

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    101_0411.jpg 202B3353.jpg enkm_piece_sticker_by_stron280-d33jyc3.jpg newest_sticker_design_by_stron280-d366l3c.jpg im new yea and um criticism is needed :x
  3. JustChillin

    JustChillin Senior Member

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    ENKM- Start from scratch and learn the basics of letter structure. dont bother wasting ur time with the color schemes till u can find a nice simple flow with your letters.

    a couple quickies in class
  4. ENKM

    ENKM Member

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    I DID start from scratch I've been on other various sites like this and I got told to move on to more complex stuff
  5. ENKM

    ENKM Member

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    sorry for double post heres more 101_0230.jpg sticker41.jpg hell i should prob just post my DA account its all on there too
  6. JustChillin

    JustChillin Senior Member

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    Those are better but perfect it. then after uve perfected your basic letters make small simple changes to each letter and work with it a little more
  7. ENKM

    ENKM Member

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    Yea I know basically I wanted crits on the newer stuff(the 2 top pieces) and the rest is just like an image dump, been tryin this shit for 2 years and everyone either say I'm good or I'm bad I want to be ready to paint already but I know I'm not ready and well doesnt seem like I can find my style i really like old school graf and try to model it after that
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2011
  8. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    haha damn you guys tellin me to finish my shit, i was so over that too. i guess ill finish it when i have some time.
  9. Cl4sh

    Cl4sh Senior Member

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    ENKM: Your name has no vowels :O word are supposed to have vowels. You sir, have defined the laws of english. Also, ditch that fucking crown

    Also: BITCH YOU MISUSED SHIPPING LABELS! Didn't you read the warning when you ordered them? Pigs gonna come knocking at cho door soon. Gonna go to jail bitch. Have fun getting raped.
  10. thepekins

    thepekins Guest

    bump I got no crits on the last page. mostly just care about my letters the characs are just bullshit doodles
  11. thepekins

    thepekins Guest

    ENKM- Dont fill your pieces yet, especially not with colored pencils lol. Your second post was better try donig different stuff with them now, tilting them and shit just to play around
  12. Gatsoi

    Gatsoi Senior Member

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    Somber- Bring the letters in your pieces closer together
    ENKM- It doesn't even look like you used bars on the first piece, You say you've been writing for two years?
    @Clash E is a Vowel.

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2011
  13. Nynja

    Nynja Member

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    i like the color scheme and charc, keep up the good work!
  14. ENKM

    ENKM Member

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    meh i sometimes use bars i sometimes dont lol i use colored pencils cuz im to poor to get any good stuff and i live in a wee little town lol so no stores here to rack from, and yes 2 years on and off then been doin it everyday for like 9 months now, unlike others i just want to do old school graff sure sum of the stuff these days is good but its like everyone just has to have a perfect looking style and all that crap but the truth is graff was created simple so i want my stuff to stay relatively simple hell doesnt even have to be perfect i have a throwie that i think is pretty good i could post pics of that if it makes a difference haha
  15. ENKM

    ENKM Member

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    Attached Files:

  16. SicK-

    SicK- Senior Member

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    View attachment 598735
    Crits please?
    enkm- dont use a ruler on your letters bro.
    pekins- your letters are real nice, maybe bring them closer together they seem pretty far apart
    Newt- YOU SUCK ASS. just playn i like that E i actually did a e similar to that on one of these sketchs.
  17. thepekins

    thepekins Guest

    Werm- your R in both of those seems a little big. I like your W's the most. Try to get crisper edges on the corners of the letters if you know what i mean
    ENKM- lolslolslolslolslolslolslolslolslols. that throw up is horrible, along with your handie. You need to be more critical of yourself, like more self conscious of your stuff. Your explanation for having bad or as you call it "simple" graffiti just doesnt really make any sense. You dont have to listen to me but you came on this site for crits so there they are
  18. Cl4sh

    Cl4sh Senior Member

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    Fuck my dumbass.
  19. ENKM

    ENKM Member

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    @thepekins ok what makes my throwie horrible??? throwies are supposed to be sumthin ou put up quick and fast they dont hafta be perfect
    @sick hahhh didnt use a ruler made lines with a pencil then went over with pen marker etc lolz :l
    just keep the crits comin im enjoying this its helpin a lot lol
  20. Flawless Victory

    Flawless Victory Elite Member

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    Bro if you are going to get mad every time someone says your shit is bad (it is, all of it, not just your throw), then you might as well just quit right now.
    Throws are something to "put up quick" that reflects your style, like "this is how dope the shit I can pull off in a hot spot is", if it's bad then you are just making yourself look bad.