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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. leash

    leash Member

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    just simple keyboard letters but ur coloring good
  2. Dcicfhbimv

    Dcicfhbimv Senior Member

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    thanks. I'll work on my lettering but to be honest I despise keyboard letters at this point. Is there any other way to improve my letters without making my piece ridicuously basic. I know it sounds weak but I've tried keyboard letters alot and they really haven't helped me out too much just kinda got me uber irritated.
  3. arsebanditskaelsucker

    arsebanditskaelsucker Senior Member

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    ^^It looks good to me,maybe a bit squished up but its got character with the chefs hat and the knives, fuck keyboard letters draw what the fuck you want to......u do it for yourself right?, not to please other people?
  4. leash

    leash Member

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    but use the keyboard letters for basic and start to change them with bars then it will not look basic
  5. thepekins

    thepekins Guest


    No one no here understands the reason for doing straight letter simples. You do some boring keyboard letters, then erase some shit, add on some shit, and try to bend the letters and shit so they got some style. Its pointless to draw keyboard letters and leave it at that. You gotta advance them.
    This is advice that all the power toys on this thread need to hear. All yall *****s come on here with your no structure garbo pieces, ask for crits, get told to do simples and then go and do the same wack ass shit cus they think simples are pointless.
    shit you guys. Most people on this thread right now are trying to do complicated shit and cant even scribble a decent handie....

    excluding tasty, youth, and mewn.

    sorry for that long ass rant but damn. yall know its true
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2011
  6. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    If he does it for himself and doesn't care about improving then he should not be using this site....
  7. leash

    leash Member

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    you just do simples to learn how the letters are formed after some time you know what the letters structures are then you can go change letters
  8. arsebanditskaelsucker

    arsebanditskaelsucker Senior Member

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    yup pekins its very true i even use bars and when back to block letters just like everyone does or needs to i suppose to realise were their going wrong....i just like to see people trying something different and trying to develop new shit it keeps it more interesting.... didn't mean to cause a riot my bad lol
  9. H1P30N3R

    H1P30N3R Elite Member

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    crits please ... rough draft
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2011
  10. SicK-

    SicK- Senior Member

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    Hipe dont do do connections between your letters, Take the connection off of the S and E and move the S closer
  11. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    its annoying, you are annoying. peace
  12. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    the bars on the P are hurting, and the E isn't doing much better....
  13. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    i love you for this. the past 10 pages have had maybe 5 decent posts. i hope bombingscience puts my thread through cuz this is gettin a little annoying. that being said, heres a quick straight i did, i know the bars are a little sloppy but i whipped this out in like 5 mins tops, would appreciate some crits

  14. _Aristrocracy_

    _Aristrocracy_ Member

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    Uhhhhhmmmm...... Name Change! ;D

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  15. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    @ian no one cares how long it took you lol, dont make excuses for sloppiness . On a lighter note i think you should move on from doin the same simps and take your time on something... The E on your tag is dope tho, make the rest of your tag the same style

    View attachment 600758
    ^might look better wit some color and 3d...crits?
  16. Female

    Female Senior Member

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    I dont like the extension from the A to the C looks weird to me but overall I like how it looks.
    and i might fix up the O more
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2011
  17. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    word dude, appreciate the comments, the tag was quick too so its not one of my best but thanks. TBH i like your style its hella clean and your bars are just about perfect. that particular piece, i think the roundness of the R and the right side of that H and the top of the A kinda contrasts with the harder edges in the rest of the piece, and im not a huge fan of the way you did the right side of the R, i think that the top loop and the bottom leg should overlap, and maybe even keep em connected to the left bar. the way you have it now kinda looks like you were trying to bring the loop behind the left bar with that extension and i dont think you were going for that (its off if you were). I dont really like that extension on the left of the R anyway, and i think it looks kinda strange how you start the top loop of the R because it kinda looks like its meant to be the same bar as the left bar but at the same time theyre not really lined up. I would also lose the AC connection, its kinda funky, and the way you connected the middle of the H to the top is also kinda funky but overall, nice clean mostly consistent style, color it up
  18. Gatsoi

    Gatsoi Senior Member

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    Sore don't use four bars for an O, just draw an oval. bring your letters closer together and try a drop shadow
  19. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    @ian O yup the R is fucked, outlining mistakes were made. But all the extensions were just to kill the negative space ya digg? If i woulda used the whole page they most likely would have looked better and made more sense.
  20. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    @ribcage yeah i got you, most dont look bad i just dont like the R and H ones on the outside, no real need to kill negative space on the edges of the piece yakno?