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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

    • Messages: 202
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    Ribcage - I like it, but I do think the AC connection is bad, and it really doesn't need it, give it a shadow/3d and some color.
    Anek - I really like that just white and black one, I think it is the third one you posted, stick to pieces like those...
    SORE - So people are now telling you to move your letters closer =/ Well I would say leave it how it is, fix the O (always just sketch a oval and put a hole in it) I think it will look fine with your letters how they are if you give it some 3d and make the 3d on the left side so it uses up any negative space caused by you spreading out the letters, but hey this is just one person's opinion.

    Will have some new shit posted sometime soon hopefully, I changed my name so we'll see how it goes,
    Classes are wrecking me and my sleep lately so I have no clue when I'll have pics up.
  2. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    yee, i guess i like taking all the space
  3. FuckTheFame

    FuckTheFame Elite Member

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    @soar- dont try so hard. you could prolly do that without all those lines. try working off the bottom of the page. it helps build structure. lol and take what these kids say about straights with a grain of salt. most get mad because they cant do them correctly themselves and dont want to see others advance past them. haha not be a dick but you guys on bombing science are easy to analyse.
    oh yah and soar...3D!!!!
  4. Angel'Ik

    Angel'Ik Member

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    Crits welcome of course. I know it's not that good, I'm sort of stuck in throw up mode, I went for wildstyle at first then it just wasn't going anywhere good so it ended be a mostly simple piece, and flat panel at that. I don't feel my 3d is up to par yet, I will try it out on my next piece though.

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    Last edited: Feb 27, 2011
  5. NosE2

    NosE2 Elite Member

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    try straight letters it just looks like a big throwie
  6. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    took my time on this one lol

  7. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    Noise - The N bars are off and the connections hurt the piece, I think it would look better if you rounded the edges of your letters instead of going for sharp jagged points.
    Angel - lose those curly extensions they look bad... and it does kinda look like a throw but it looks like you have potential.

    @FucktheFame - Are you really encouraging people to say fuck it to simps and bars and just 'get' better?!
  8. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

    • Messages: 202
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    Okay these were real quick simps, the first one is aweful, just changed my name so I'm still fucking around with the letters and seeing what works....

    Crits would be nice

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  9. Female

    Female Senior Member

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    @ViniVidiVici like this How would i do the 3D on the S and O
  10. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    whats wrong with the N? i curved the left and center bars but i dont think they're off...the connections just kinda happened cuz i extended bars and they ended up on top of each other but ill work on that and ill try some rounded edges. your stuff looks pretty good, im not a huge fan of the 2nd H, and in the third one you should bring your letters closer and overlap them a little, i think they looks too spread out but overall you definately got the structures down and your bars are all on point
  11. Jigsaw

    Jigsaw Member

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    just saw the messup on the s but helpful critts please!
    says soen and the o is gonna be like a 2 towned egg with fine detail in it
  12. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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  13. Jigsaw

    Jigsaw Member

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    nice montage bro always good to have some diff in here
  14. KRE1

    KRE1 Guest

    your A to C connect is fuggin stupid.
  15. NosE2

    NosE2 Elite Member

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    quit trollin *****. yo SORE actually do the 3d
  16. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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    ya but uh wat do your a to c connections look like?
  17. Gatsoi

    Gatsoi Senior Member

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    ViniVidiVici- make all the letters the same size and watch you're bar width consistancy
  18. alre

    alre New Member

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  19. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    fasho breh, i was goin for a more retarded look, but stupid is good enough, good lookin
  20. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

    • Messages: 202
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    Soar make the S and O 3d like this, take it to your point and then follow the curve of your letter, excuse the calc shit.

    Jigsaw, I like it, pretty nice
    Reach, not bad
    CPA - Use bars

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