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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. Dcicfhbimv

    Dcicfhbimv Senior Member

    • Messages: 83
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    Getting better tempo
    the 1st ones shadows is a bit off and I'm not a huge fan of the detail line things
    the 2nd one I can't help but feel the "O" should be lower to continue the arch other than that they are looking much better then before.
  2. KRE1

    KRE1 Guest

    yeah thats all bad^^

    shading is off
    bars are uneven
    your O is way too small
    you got a gay name
  3. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    That's not a gay name.... But everything else he says is true, but this is better than what you had been posting, you can take that however you want.
  4. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    dude quit being such a faggot troll
  5. whoknows

    whoknows New Member

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    First post on here, and if you ask yes I did use bars, you can even see me practicing with them in the upper left. Please ignore the silly fills / extension I got bored and just kept adding stuff, also the B should be bigger but this was my first time using bars. Undecided on a name as of now.

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    • be3.jpg
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  6. Sbal

    Sbal Elite Member

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  7. extinct

    extinct Senior Member

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    bars are used for the actual piece not just practice.. in all actuality thats pretty weak...
  8. whoknows

    whoknows New Member

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    Sbal- You forgot to crit, nice try though
    extinct- I expect it to be weak for sure I'm new to this haha, I just took the bars and shaped them to something that looked cooler than "BE3" and erased the overlapping lines
  9. extinct

    extinct Senior Member

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    never expect it to be weak, make it better.... i'll do a piece for your name sometime this week
  10. Dcicfhbimv

    Dcicfhbimv Senior Member

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    And cmon guys give tempo a break. you can lay the truth on a little less brutaly ya know?

    Yeah Be3 I dont see how you used bars I see no uniform width really, the connections between letters are frivalous and ugly, and the flow is non existant and please don't get me started on the arrows.It's not hopeless though try working your way up from simplicity in your work you have an eraser you can take your time tinker with it. Start with just the letters get something that looks presentable then add connections overlaps 3-d shading color force fields and whatever the fuck you want. Just don't try it all at once it comes out looking well like that.
  11. FlatScank

    FlatScank Banned

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    Crits please.

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  12. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    Whoknows - You see those bars you drew above? Do you see those anywhere in your piece? Your first task is to try to show us that you can actually do a Keyboard letter piece....

    All-nighter for a midterm at 8AM this morning, decided to take a 20 minute break and did these, please don't judge to badly, I am sleep deprived, and only awake via adderal, coffee, and the desire not to fail miserably, both these were basically freehanded except for doing 3d, and yes I know the 'highlights' are way whack... Just haven't had time to sit down for an hour and sketch lately.....

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  13. FlatScank

    FlatScank Banned

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    Crits always welcome.

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  14. leash

    leash Member

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    -lose arrows
    -do not cut all the bars
  15. Sbal

    Sbal Elite Member

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    GiVe CrItS to get them
  16. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    Yea flat your lettering would look alot better if you lost most of those cuts. Nice work though.
    Vini the 'S' and 'H' in the second piece need some serious work. Remember the bars!

    Pulled this up a minuite ago. The 'O' looks like utter fuckery. Crits welcome.

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  17. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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    I don't think certain members crits are as constructive as others.
  18. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    Skope - Yeah, those bars were actually good when I drew them but when I inked it I cut into them thus destroying said bars hahaha happens to me to often. anyways as for your piece personally I don't like the idea of the whole heart arrow, and especially not on 3 outta the 4 letters, the O is whack, I think you should maybe just try doing a simpler O, not so much simpler I guess more just normal looking, without all those 4 leaf clover bumps all over it. I really like your R, except for the heart arrow hahaha.
  19. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    Yea cheers pal. Was just messing around with something new there really. Appreciate the crits.
  20. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    FLAT - first, you can't expect anyone to crit your stuff when you don't give crits, however I'll crit it cuz I don't want to see stuff like that on this forum to be quite blunt. First thing first, stop everything you are doing, you NEED to go back to much much MUCH simpler stuff, you are not ready in any way shape or form for what you are trying to pull off, you've got whack arrows/extensions/letters the whole shitbang. Wanna know how I REAAAALLLLY REAAAAALLLLY know your not ready for that stuff..... Your handy..... for realz, if you can't even make your tag look good how the hell are you supposed to make pieces look good. You start at the bottom and build your way up, Handy>Throw>Piece I feel like half of the toys on this forum have no fucking clue about the history and progression of graff or anything, because if you did you would know that the tag comes first and the rest follows. You need to know the history, because once you know the history, doing simple straights won't seem so boring when you see how the old school bombers used to put up dope straights.....