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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. FlatScank

    FlatScank Banned

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    if your going to crit other, based on how someones handy is, heres something you should watch, it applies to the handy's I've seen on your sketchs
  2. KRE1

    KRE1 Guest

    this entire TOY THREAD is full of pussies

    "aw hey guys dont give him such a hard time... yeah man! hes uber duber good bro! yea hes trying really hard!"

    FUCK you faggets. EXPECT to get knocked. jesus what the fuck is wrong with you kids this AINT no fuckin game

    bombingscience has turned into a breeding ground for pussy ass wannabee kids.
  3. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    Because theres nothing constructive about saying FUK NIGR U SHIT GO HOME BOY GO PUT DAT PEN DOWN AND STOP YO! Fact is people are going to write regardless of what you say, so you might aswell say something to help them to improve.
    No need to get butthurt about it.
  4. FlatScank

    FlatScank Banned

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    it's called an opinion, you don't have to offended by it, cause chances are you are not in the same city as said writers, and it's even more improbable that you'll meet these writers in person. though I will agree with Skope that when someone says "just stop writing, right now" that it's not encouraging for them to try harder, it's just encouraging them to stop, and if you are someone that likes graffiti for an art-sake, you would want more writers out bombing/piecing/getting their work up.
  5. Gatsoi

    Gatsoi Senior Member

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    Everybody in this thread sucks except vinividivici for giving good crits.
    kre1 you're a bitch

  6. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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  7. Gatsoi

    Gatsoi Senior Member

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    ^You don't have to post everything you do
    do some sketches in pencil, no lame ass fill like that one
    work on a drop shadow, get rid of negative space(Move your letters as close as possible to eachother without squishing them)

    and then get back to us, k?
  8. KRE1

    KRE1 Guest

    tempreezy your O is still fucked up

    graffiti is not art dummies so NO i dont want every dumb mutherfucker with a pen to scrawl his gay ass name on the walls it heats up spots attracts unwanted attention and makes shit look retarded

    by the way toys giving toys crits is a retarded idea, because NONE of you will grow.

    i hate kids.
  9. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    >implying this isnt a toy thread, inhabited by toys for the sole reason that it is a fucking toy thread
  10. Svc

    Svc Senior Member

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    Gatsoi- not shure if it'd be any help but try making your bars the same width throught the M, W and N.
    Tempo- work on fill if your going to attempt it, as said before, fill negative space better.
    Kre1- since when is graffiti not art? just because your blind, dont mean other toys can't spot out someone elses flaws, and help them improve, maby your just a self concious thug wanna be, just shut up, nothing you say helps noone but make you seem more like an asshole. thank you.

    crits please
  11. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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    svc - i think thats clean from all angles kid. nice work
    kre - I try an empathize with you
    gat - thanks for your input an honesty
  12. KRE1

    KRE1 Guest

    know your history you faggets

    graffiti is not art, aerosol art IS.

    tempo, your O is still fucked

    SVC your shit is really bad. Straight letters you fruit then get fancy wit that shit

    no wonder no mods come in here this place is a fuggin mess.
  13. Svc

    Svc Senior Member

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    lmao why do you think your king shit bud? why the fuck are you even in here? all you do is complain

    .he didnt forget his smokes in his coat but that fags still in the closet

    tempo- work on makin your m less a giant brick blob and get and work with that shadow and work with the negative space between letters, otherwise good improvment
  14. SicK-

    SicK- Senior Member

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    Shut the fuck up faggot.
  15. FlatScank

    FlatScank Banned

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    Tempo - you should try bringing your letters closer together, but keep them that fat, and keep doing the straight keyboard letters, also don`t focus so much on fills.
    the sketches you've been posting would be alright if they were rollers.
  16. KRE1

    KRE1 Guest

    hey sick

    go fuck yourself fagget eat a dick good luck frontin like you someone worth noting
  17. Gatsoi

    Gatsoi Senior Member

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    ^Who the fuck are you anyway bitch? some scrandom mother fucker who doesn't even post pictures, go do something with your life hoe
  18. Svc

    Svc Senior Member

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    who the hell is this kid? nothin but bad language and grade school dissing,
  19. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    First off you cock sucking motherfucking tit-licker I will battle you any day of the week without any concern about losing because I could make a motherfucking piece outta just whack arrows and extensions and my piece would still be on the same shitty level as you. Second, I changed my name and still have a better handy then you, although I will admit it needs work, but the difference between me and you is I'm a wannabe who will take the time and put forth the effort to improve, and take other people's advice who are clearly better than me. It is kids like you that make this thread horrible. The fact that you were thinking of doing a fucking legal would have been the ultimate embarrassment on the graffiti community.

    KRE1 - Your being a dick to all these kids in this thread, but I don't blame you when kids are trying to act like they are fucking ballin' when they can't draw for shit, let alone do anything with an actual paint can. I can understand why you hate some of thses kids, but realize that there are some kids out there that really do wanna learn and really wanna get better, but it is hard when no one good can give some helpful knowledge and crits.
  20. FlatScank

    FlatScank Banned

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