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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    Pretty nice, the O just looks funny though like that, although I don't know how else you should do it, watch your bar on the K, the main bar is off a little if you look closely, 3d is off on the S a little. the E is a little to extreme bar wise, I know you were going for bigger bars on it, but that is a little much, make it just a tad smaller, now you could actually make the 3D bigger at the E and then scale it back as you get close to the S, it would make it look like the S if further away and the E is closer to the viewer, it would be tricky to get it right but would be dope. Just some ideas.
  2. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    thanks man. im really struggling with the O's at the moment.
  3. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    Yeah it's hard to make unique Os....
  4. jypsy

    jypsy Member

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    ((accidentally posted this in the wrong thread, moved it here))
    Another design I sketched up last night:
  5. SicK-

    SicK- Senior Member

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    Lol jypsy you need to learn to color in between the lines bro
  6. Sbal

    Sbal Elite Member

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    jypsy is a 22 year old girl from the south
  7. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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    clash - i think the letters in ur name work well together, that should be a fun word to play around wit. peace
  8. Dcicfhbimv

    Dcicfhbimv Senior Member

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    Made this piece of junk a lil while ago I dont like it but maybe you could tell me if anything went right with it .
    Jypsy-Yeah they kinda covered eberything already
    Skope-Really like all but the "O" try layering your gray to make shadow on the 3-d thats just me but I think it would look real tight.

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  9. Fube

    Fube Elite Member

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    sever huh? please dont write that. im hopeing your just fuckin around.
  10. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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    my first sketch with pencil, in years. am i not pressin down hard enough or what. 193072_149654645095871_100001540101387_289090_7333746_o.jpg
    cop'd me a sketch pad & mechanical pencil one time yesterday. chinese lady got got. biyyytch. yeh
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2011
  11. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    Tempo i suggest getting two pencils, one for sketching and keep the other real sharp for outlining.
  12. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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    alright skope thats a good point, are mechanical pencils any better than regular pencils?
  13. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    Jypsy - You should definately take a few steps backwards. It doesnt look like youre ready for the more complex stuff yet. I'd carry on hitting throwies and bubble until youve really nailed it, then it'll make getting into the bar-type lettering much easier.
    Sever - That fill is sick but your letters are majorly lacking structure. Youve got to use bars!

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  14. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    oh yea tempo dont bother with mechanical pencils. just buy a shit load of the usual HB pencils and a half decent sharpener. theyre cheap as hell.
  15. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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    haha even the monkey got swag son. thaswassup
    alright then i need a few of those then. all i got is this mechanical one.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2011
  16. ntn

    ntn Member

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    tryin out different styles...

    whatya think?

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  17. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    tempo please stop posting every single piece of shit you draw, sever you need to use BARS, Skope thats pretty sick except the bottom of the right bar in the P connecting to the left bar doesnt really fit the piece
  18. Shofs17

    Shofs17 Member

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    Not the best, but crits por favor

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  19. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    Abby theres way too many extensions in there that you dont need. I think it would look like a decent piece if you cut the extensions
  20. PermanentMarkers

    PermanentMarkers Senior Member

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    Listen to Fube.