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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. alre

    alre New Member

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  2. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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    Sorry bout my camera sux
  3. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    That has lots of potential, only letter that is weak is the M but the rest are fairly good and you kept the same style throughout, not bad.
  4. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    that's cool tempo
  5. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    CPA - You really need to take a look at how to use bars instead of going in like that. The letter proportions are all out of whack, the P extends into the A far too much.
    Tempo - Thats a better improvement than your other shit! nice work.

    Going with a new style here, not finished yet. Theres something wrong with it, but i cant quite put my finger on it. If i could get some crits that would be cool..

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  6. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    The E is messed up and the bottom of the S could look better, not gonna say anything about the whole KO deal I'm sure your gonna try to make it work.
  7. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    Yea i blitzed that KO thing entirely. It was definately a shit idea. Hows this instead?

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  8. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    Looks better than before, but the S still needs something imo....
  9. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    k looks like an r dont connect the 2 right legs
  10. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    i liked the first sketch almost a million times better
  11. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    Eh I think they both are pretty good he just maybe fix each...
  12. ViniVidiVici

    ViniVidiVici Senior Member

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    Did this during one of my classes, didn't know the name was taken, but whatever...

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  13. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    E is super plain and looks like a backwards 3, width of bottom bar of D is off as well. the middle bar of the N is lookin a little weird too
  14. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    Vini - pretty much what ribcage said, the 3D looks decent though

    Ended up with this, it was definately more hassle than its worth.

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  15. inthecity

    inthecity Member

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  16. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    @skope what happened to the P? its lookin pretty hurt. and it seems like your jumpin steps again puttin breaks and extensions in, they are wack

    cut the nose off the P and start by makin it a circular P cause right now u have part squared off and part rounded. Work on having consistent bar width before you start putting breaks in your letters. Look at the O, the break in it doesnt match up width the rest of the O. Err body is gonna keep telling you to work on the basics until you got it down.

    go simpiler and try to make sense with your letters before you start throwin in add ons, extensions, etc
  17. Isaac

    Isaac New Member

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    weird robot stuff? IMG_0227.jpg IMG_0228.jpg
  18. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    who wants to be the first to tell this ***** to go simpler?
  19. FuckTheFame

    FuckTheFame Elite Member

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    Isaac - keep at it. thats original. just learn where to place your layers a little better. develop that style

    some structured stuff i been working on
    cant really make a straight line tho
    my hand shakes everytime i try to
    thanks a lot east coast molly
  20. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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    Still practicing bars.

    IMO that Y on the bottom look good. @ youth