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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. Dcicfhbimv

    Dcicfhbimv Senior Member

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    Just messing around a little yeah I know no bars and what not. This is just for fun so yeah. Mostly toying with fills and such

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  2. FlatScank

    FlatScank Banned

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    I think thats cool looking, but the structure is non-existent.
  3. Dcicfhbimv

    Dcicfhbimv Senior Member

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    thanks and yeah. I wasn't going for structural letters all that much just a liquid-ish style. Figured I'd deserved a break from trying out all the stuff I've been advised for awhile.It lets me see if what they say has made any impact on my work since I've tried implicating it. And I think it's safe to say I'm gonna go back to working on the basics some more. but I'm happy to put some effort into coloring outlining shading and such.

    Oh and Cl4sh- the end on the A looks real whack because when other people use it it retains a uniform width on the sides yours has two thinner lines sticking out the side of the main shaft which leaves it looking wonky. Also the other letters could use some help especially the H and the L the S could use a little tweak and manage alright but the H looks plain and the l is arc'd and it looks unnatural.Oh and bear in mind all of the negative space of your piece comes from wither the top or from the holes in your letters. Not trying to beat you up man all of us on this thread have improvements to be made those are just the ones of yours I see.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011
  4. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    @ian only thing in that simp that looks weak is the Y

    @Dcicfh yo that looks terrible....and imo a waste of colors...and the coloring aint that good. If you gonna go for liquidy/abstract look in the future, go big or go home. either make it readable or unreadable intentionally, or don't even do letters... cause making skinny ass bars with swirlies coming out of it is weak sauce

    heres an abstract i wasted my colors on a while back, started out making the first letter an S but then i made an outlining mistake and said fuck letters. Nobody produces a winner everytime...and everything doesn't have to be colored
    View attachment 603088
  5. pointman

    pointman Senior Member

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    A bit of everything

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  6. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    some new ish for the battle. reads FEAR. wish i would have made the R a bit to the left and i missed a tiny bit of 3d on the bottom of the middle bar of the F (i added it after the pic was taken)but oh well. Little things bother me


    pointman you really do love that char don't you. letters still need a lot of work, not simple enough.

    dcic im not gonna copy everything everyone else said but you gotta have structure to have a good piece.

    Clash you're improving, but its stil messy, clean things up and lose that weird little bit on top of the C and S. Make sure your bars are consistent throughout.
  7. SicK-

    SicK- Senior Member

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    Ian that is horrible. foreal if your gonna use arrows... just dont use arrows until you actualy have structure down
  8. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    u need more arrows^

    and dcimbafghvhbbimdicqwerty, does that say betty? the only good thing about it is the color scheme, blue pink and purple always go good together eh?
  9. Female

    Female Senior Member

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    @ian i can only find the F and R
  10. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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    this came out dumb as hell right?
  11. ian

    ian Elite Member

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  12. Dcicfhbimv

    Dcicfhbimv Senior Member

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    It reads Beauty
  13. Crux206

    Crux206 New Member

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    First try at a straight letter style:

  14. kweezy

    kweezy Member

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    im new at this . so they may not be the greatest. but give me some advice. :)

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  15. weedeater

    weedeater Senior Member

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    crux, those arent straight letters
  16. Norfsuthr

    Norfsuthr Elite Member

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    ian it has bars and structure, but youre over doin it with the arrows. nice 3d though.
    pointman-get more structure in that S, keep at it.
    crux that r dont fit, and do actual straights for a minute

    just havin fun here but I thought it turned out ok. first attempt at a fill thats not just a solid color, so go easy on that shit.
    [Broken External Image]:
  17. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    the 3 is dope, left bar of the D lookin a little funky, and the right leg of the R should be longer... dope tho
  18. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    some of you are fuckin retarded. on here tryna figure out graffiti like there was a formula to it.
  19. Kocka

    Kocka Member

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    ian.. thats not what he meant.. if its an A, the horizontal bar has to connect to the crooked bars, otherwise it just not an A. the E and A dont necessarily need to connect, you know..
  20. Rezume_or_die

    Rezume_or_die Member

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    stuff 017.jpg stuff 018.jpg stuff 019.jpg
    i need to color them but im real lazy recently