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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. ANRone

    ANRone New Member

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    Pretty shit, ran out of space on the R also.
  2. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    Lyk - Go keyboard letters, and try to use bars. (If you dont know what i mean by bars, check out the 'New to graffiti, start here' thread for some quality tips)
    ATAK - Those connenctions make the last letter hard to read. For a while I thought it was INI, not INC. Space is your friend.
    ANR - Tidy up those outlines and itll look alright.

    Struggling to come up with a good T

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  3. Rasm

    Rasm Senior Member

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    @Bend, Not bad at all dude. I'm feeling the letters and the flow. The 3D is pretty off though.

    @Rib, The R looked better in the original sketch than in the final result... not sure how that happened. It's got all straight lines at the top and is the only part of your piece like that. You should have rounded it a bit more in places. It's not bad though. If you lowered the top curve of the C a bit to make it match the other letters height-wise, and move the H a tad closer, it would look better.

    @Tempo, I'm not going to give you anymore crits after this one unless you go simpler. Your letter structure is no good. Your bar widths are all different. Sometimes that can work if you do it in the right places, but you're not making it work, so go simpler. The bottom connection between the S and the C is terrible looking. You extended the bottom of the S way too much to make it work, and the bottom of the C where it connects isn't good either. Also, lose that extension at the top of the C. It looks bad and is in the wrong place. And o the PJZ one, same thing. You still don't have solid letter structure down, so those connections and extensions don't make it look good. Look at how varied your bar width is too... Go back to super basic letters and NO connections. Also keep practicing your handstyle.

    @Lyk, Same thing. Do super basic sketches to get your letter structure down. At least you aren't adding needless connections yet. Those come with time.

    @Atak!, Well you went simpler this time which is good. The inside of your N is really hurting and so is your handstyle and 3D in places.

    @ANR, It's very basic but it at least has some consistency. This would look sweet as a roller somewhere.

    @Debts, just missed yours, but it's definitely the best thing anyone's posted here in the last couple days. The top curve of the B seems a little messed up on its bottom right side where it connects to the bottom curve of the B, but besides that everything's pretty good. The D isn't bad but I think I liked some of the ones from your other sketches a little better. Good work man.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2011
  4. ierkpeople

    ierkpeople Member

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    bump for crits
  5. Jiska Matos

    Jiska Matos Senior Member

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    here is your's...hope you like it
  6. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    It like that in the sketch too... But yeah I changed some shit as I was outlining cause thats just how I do... Didnt work out on the C but most of it will look better visually w/ 3d... this is just a scrap piece anyways
    View attachment 608557
  7. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    outlined and colored this at like 4 am. i got some new bic markers for like 50 cents. shit was caaash.
    crit on anything BUT the background haha, its just plain retarded

  8. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    you should have ended your 3d somewhere, and your R looks like a P then an un proportionate kick out, it looks that way cause the rounded part is a little small, and then instead of having the horizontal bar that starts your right leg go straight out its slanting down... make it straight and itll look better... The BG dont look that bad, if you did that then covered all the remaining white with black itd prolly pop pretty nicely with the lighter colors of your piece
  9. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    thanks for the crits homie
    i feel you on the 3d and R, R's have been kilin me and i have slowly been understanding how to work that middle bar.
  10. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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    I like that ribs crits are hella detailed he is good at pointing things out that we miss, but I like it dank i thought it was a good one.
  11. DaFugg

    DaFugg Senior Member

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    Hey jiska that's dope man thanks. what kind of marker you using?
  12. Jiska Matos

    Jiska Matos Senior Member

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    made this with the 3 markers i bought today, the pink is Molotow 227, and the black and the white are molotow 127
  13. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    ayy, does anyone have any crits/ tips for Y's?
    i had to fuck with the image to show the lines better cause i have been fucking with this P and Y to fit for ever and its a bitch.
    so tips or anything to help would be appreciated.

    im talking about the negative space and shit, is my problem that i put the HAP too close together and the P's and Y just cant get that close?

  14. Rasm

    Rasm Senior Member

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    Fuck. Here's some 10 minute bullshit. I haven't had the time to sketch lately, and it shows.


    Not sure if I dropped this here yet. Says Minor.

    Last edited: Jun 20, 2011
  15. Ace.K

    Ace.K Banned

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    Outline for my Cuore exchange. Crits? Kinda hard to see with shitty phone cam.

  16. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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  17. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    Yo Rasm, by any chance to you frequent GrassCity forums?
    Ribcage -thats super fresh, but i think that R could use more work all around.

    Letters suck dick, and yes i forgot to put an S in Fathers. I rushed the fuuuck outta the words, took more time on the characters, and couldnt get in a background
    Crit the "FATHER" part if anything.

  18. Rasm

    Rasm Senior Member

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    @Ace, that's about as simple as it gets so I don't have much to say but it's pretty good. The bar widths are good except for the right half of the C, and definitely lose the connection in the !

    @Reach, looks a little better now that it's done. I think the A might be too wide (especially compared to the E and the C) and I'm not sure if I'm digging the swirls on the bottoms of the A and the H, but it's still pretty good. I still think the top of the R could be more round, and the H and C could be closer, but I can't complain. The colors don't look great together but overall it's solid.

    @Dank, I like it dude! In the FATHER, I probably would have extended the leg of the R a little more to match the bottom of the other letters. In the word DAY there might be a little too much space between the DA compared to the AY, but you probably had to squeeze to get the characters in. The bar width on the Y's seem to be a little thinner than the rest, but besides that it's good. The lettering is simple but well-done so it's effective, and the characters are dope. And yeah, I've dropped a few sketches in the graffiti thread over there. You post there ever?
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2011
  19. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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    av y'all eva made som an after thot...... yo....... whaaaaat tha fuk????
  20. Ace.K

    Ace.K Banned

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    Just gonna post it here too. Finished product.
