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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. TastyMcNasty

    TastyMcNasty Elite Member

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    nark that is bangin, i think the bottom right extension of the R should be thicker tho.

  2. dave the pirate

    dave the pirate Senior Member

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    KIDS look closely at the n its a n and a all in one ;)
  3. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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  4. Rasm

    Rasm Senior Member

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    Nark, that's dope man. Props.
    Tempo, that's painful to look at man. The letters make me want to cry and the fill makes the letters look good. Being nice is overrated. But seriously, don't worry about connecting the letters or adding extensions until you start to understand the way the letters work.

    Here's some unfinished shit. Any crits before I throw the 3D on? I might fix up the D a little and maybe change the second A. Says LANDA
    [Broken External Image]:

    Here's something from the other day; also unfinished. Bumping for crits. Says PABST, as in delicious PBR.

    Both are a simple style I do when I'm lazy.. ha
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2011
  5. BigBend

    BigBend Member

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    @tempo yeah man i would go way simpler till u got that down and understand how flow works in a piece!
    @rasm really feeling the second one looks good but somthing bout the first one just doesnt look right idk.
    anyway got bored last night a drew up the new throw! says bend
  6. toopski

    toopski Guest

    yeah i always cbf when i get to the R might true something different or even true the style i used to write with
  7. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    out line for exchange with Soar
    fucking hand shook like 5 times. fucked the S. and the R is fucked. goddddddddaaamn
    far from perfect so hit me with crits.
  8. Rasm

    Rasm Senior Member

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    Dank, I'm not really feeling any of the spiral connections on the S, A, or R, especially not the one on the A. And that extension in the middle of the O seems random and unnecessary... it doesn't really connect to the rest of the O well either. The one on the top doesn't do much to help the sketch either.
  9. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    thanks for the crits homie, you got just about everything, except how the right leg on the R is pretty weak.
    to be honest i dont like it at all. I wish i did something different with the middle of the O. I just wanted to fuck around with different thaangs, i agree it would have looked alot better simpled outt. fuck it. haha
  10. Rasm

    Rasm Senior Member

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    Well you said you thought the R was bad so I didn't really mention it. The right leg isn't that great and the top of it is a little unproportional. I would have made it one round curve instead of a mix of curves and straight segments. And I can tell where your hand got a little shaky on the R and the S especially, but it's nothing too major. Put a dark 3D on it and you could smooth it out a little.
  11. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    word, i was planning on that. i might even just do another sketch above it and improve upon this.
  12. REDjacket

    REDjacket Member

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    @dankbudz i really like that soar outline!!
  13. REDjacket

    REDjacket Member

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    Not very good both were done in about 30mins Crits please! 0626111214.jpg 0626111233.jpg
  14. Rasm

    Rasm Senior Member

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    Normally you fuckers should be giving crits to get crits, but I'll crits you anyways.

    @Graff2k11, one's a painted throwie which doesn't belong here. On the other one, your S is leaning way to the left but the other letters aren't tilted at all. Make sure you keep consistent bar widths, and why the hell is the N twice as big as the other letters? There's not much flow in your sketch at all.
    EDIT: Why'd you delete that shit?

    @Redjacket, man sage is a word that's been used a lot but oh well. AYou should go simpler and lose the connections. That first sketch has an S that's twice as wide as any other letter and the bar widths are not consistent. The bars on the E and G are very narrow compared to the bars on the A. On the second sketch make sure you line up the bottoms of your letters better. The E is elevated a lot compared to the other letters. It's also terrible looking, which is why you should go back to basics and not worry about connections and extensions yet. The S is almost completely curved, and all the other letters have nothing but straight lines. Focus on consistency.

    Well here's something quick and trashy because I'm lazy;, clocked at just under 4 minutes. Says SPAR.


    And some more ugly bullshit

    Last edited: Jun 27, 2011
  15. TastyMcNasty

    TastyMcNasty Elite Member

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    for SEDER
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2011
  16. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    redjacket- thanks bro. and for yours i would practice giving your words a baseline so the are on the same level. and do more work on simples, dont add all those bars in the G and C, do them rounded where need to be. and once you get that down you can fuck around with it a bit more. the simpler the better, and simples pay off.

    Rasm- That RASM one would look dooope if you connect those parts on teh R and A, and work on the tops of them. And lost that lower extension on the S and lowered the M and lost that weird extension on its bottom.
  17. TastyMcNasty

    TastyMcNasty Elite Member

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    ^^^lol did you ignore the piece i just posted? hahah because it is for you
  18. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    nah, i missed it, it wasnt there when i posted. BUt im liking that first S, minus extensions and E. i woulda made them the same E. but shit, when your fucked up you do your own thing, i know how it is hahah.
  19. TastyMcNasty

    TastyMcNasty Elite Member

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    haha ya man its pre fucked. just tell me if you want another one ill get on it
  20. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    do what you want maaane, if you got the time id love to see another, but whatevers good