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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. Rasm

    Rasm Senior Member

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    4EYES- I think that's a nice improvement off your last one. Keep tweaking those letters and it will keep improving.
    SENSE- I like how you used a lowercase N this time to mix things up. Still looks very similar to the rest of your work but it's not bad.
    KROE- Loving it. But please throw some 3D on there. Could look real dope with a vanishing point in the perfect spot. For example:
    [Broken External Image]:
    But mess around with a few different ones.
    GPERS- Digging those middle two. Keep it up.
    NEER- I'd try using the second E from the white and brown sketch twice. Would look real nice along with that R. I'm not sure if I'm feeling the way you have your first E sectioned off like that.
    POVER- Looking better but your 3D is still off. Keep it all the same width. Try to keep your bars lined up... the hole inside the P doesn't line up with the bottom leg, etc. Also, you should probably drop the unnecessary bump in the round part of the R and the junk at the top of the O. Does nothing but hurt the piece. Overall an improvement though.
    Last edited: May 11, 2012
  2. pover

    pover Senior Member

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    Yeah that shit on my O looks like it has a boner on it's head. Thanks for the crits.
  3. pover

    pover Senior Member

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    And since I have too much time on my hands, another two here.
    Note: The shit inside the V in the first one were to test my markers, and I know I fucked it hard when doing the R on the second one.


  4. KroeGHK

    KroeGHK Elite Member

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    that top one is dope, the P is wicked fresh
  5. pover

    pover Senior Member

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    Thanks dude, been working on that, I need to clean up a lot.
  6. Kaze

    Kaze Elite Member

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    sense looks cool man, looks like u got that pretty much down, maybe try to tweak it abit or add some streaks in ur 3d or something.

    kroe thats so sick, i like the K and R alot, the E is what i least like about it but it still looks dope.10000times better then what i can do so im not one to be saying what is nice and what isnt.

    gpers i like that straight grimey style you have its sick. the bottom 3 are my favorites..which is all of them basicaly lol

    6i9o- start with keyboard letters. like we all have to do

    neer- The R in the first one is sick, i like the first E and the E u got in the second pic but try to make it match the R abit more but overal it looks dope

    pover- the P in the first picture is dope like kroe said. maybe try to make your R match it more, like at the top have the bar swing up and over the main bar like in your P, thenhave the leg extention come out from that and try to have it come down lower then wat its at. the V is interesting just maybe make the line at the bottom of it shorter and have the gap inbetween the two bars bigger. with your E dont have it swing on such a sharp angle, try to make it match the P and R..overal though nice work man, keep it up
  7. pover

    pover Senior Member

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    Thanks kaze, I'm kinda starting to get this name.
  8. KroeGHK

    KroeGHK Elite Member

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    dug up the old books and found these old gems i did for shits n gigs
    Amber and Indigo
    Last edited: May 11, 2012
  9. pover

    pover Senior Member

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    Wow, that colors, fucking cool, what markers do u use?
  10. KroeGHK

    KroeGHK Elite Member

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  11. 6i9o

    6i9o Senior Member

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    That's some crazy detail for sharpie's
  12. H1P30N3R

    H1P30N3R Elite Member

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    nice stuff kroe I need to get my piece game going .... been working at it for a little over a month as you can tell I put too much time into throws and not piecing.

  13. Kaze

    Kaze Elite Member

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    -pover. yeh dude just gotta draw the name over and over again until it becomes part of ur muscle memory or w.e the term is. i can see that ur starting to get a flow with the name down, just keep practicing man.
    kroe those are sick, the colors are fuking siick, only thing in the first one is that it seems like your D and G are offset from eachother but thats nothing, it all looks sick. the bottom one is sick 2 and flows nicely, just dont really dig the E, i like the concept of it just dont love how it came out there

    kopr- that looks cool, maybe with your K, have the leg extend down then up into your O rather then having the bar go long and having the O ontop of it. mahybe have the bottom leg of your P abit longer or somthing. The R is cool but try to do something bout the gap inbetween the top part of ur R to were the right leg comes out, possibly have the leg of the R come up on the same angle so theres no gap there or somthing
    Last edited: May 11, 2012
  14. Moe_13

    Moe_13 Member

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  15. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    hip3- thats a step back, toooo many kinks and bends n shit.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 11, 2012
  16. Kaze

    Kaze Elite Member

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    seldom- the S in the first one looks kinda off, maybe the top part should be a bit longer. the A and R in the second one looks super clean. E and S in last one are my favorite letters u got there...streaks in the 3d looks spot on too except the missing part in the S lol
  17. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    ya the hops is super weak. and i don't spend much time on them so when i don't finish i don't finish... ya know?
  18. pover

    pover Senior Member

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    Haha I can imagine you at the end of the S

    "Okay, almost done... FUCK THIS SHIT."
  19. Kaze

    Kaze Elite Member

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    yeh true, everything someone draws is just part of the building block to slowly improve and shit i guess, not like it was for some kind of battle or anything, it looks dope though. the hops doesnt even look bad just comparing to the other 2 its not as nice but u can tell that u didnt spend much time at all on it...still nice though lol
  20. KehmONE

    KehmONE Senior Member

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    Haha, Hops. I've been playing with that name for a while, it's fun to write.