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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. Rogan

    Rogan Senior Member

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    yeah shae the second one is def better...
  2. scOpeOne

    scOpeOne Elite Member

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  3. Rogan

    Rogan Senior Member

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    yo scope whats that say man? looks liek ebbs maybe?
  4. wordsmith

    wordsmith Senior Member

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    yea, it looks like ebbs.

    but its nice, 4sho.
  5. Rogan

    Rogan Senior Member

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    i gueess its dece for toy...but (no offense to scope here) def not that nice...

    yeah he got the flava but he gotta put a ton of work in to become ill
  6. wordsmith

    wordsmith Senior Member

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    true true, personally i aint on that level of drawing yet but i know my graff.

    but like you said..good for a toy.. but not the best
  7. epod

    epod Elite Member

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    k.. ur 3d is fucked. top of e, it should go to the left. and middle of the e, it should be there and its not.

    Whoever said it... with the lines in the 3d... lol youre not smart. thats like saying dont use arrows or bubbles, or quotes. its just a part of graff. it can really make your shit look better.

    SCOPE or w.e, 1 word. WHOAH. work on strucyure. lose the arrows, or atleast make them look good (not with 90 degree angles from the main part of the arrow)
  8. Rogan

    Rogan Senior Member

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    im plenty smart you douche...all im saying is that i think too many dudes use it...i know it does look dope but i think guys gotta start inventing new 3ds...just a personal opinion...dont get all fag on me and call me out as stupid for posting a simple opinion
  9. Rogan

    Rogan Senior Member

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    oh yeah and epod he aint missing a 3d on top of his e if you look at the angles correctlky you can clearly tell that the angle of the 3d woudl not show considering the angle of that part of the e

    if it was a real 3d laws of physics and light and other thigns would not allow that to happen...
  10. epod

    epod Elite Member

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    [Broken External Image]:

    blue- 3d if extended... they dont match up. they should all the to the same paint, or all have the same relative agle to the letter.

    [Broken External Image]:
    shutup. there should be 3d tthere.... not on the knob, in the middle of the e, just above the nob.
    due to the fact he did the vanishing point on another paper, its hard, cause i had to make it smaller to fit, so u mite have to click the link to see full size.

    whoever did the EBBS piece, you could learn a lot from the MES piece. notice that all the 3d extending lines match up at one point.

    edit- i meant that he had 3d where it didnt belong, on the top of the E and M. it extends to the left. take a lookie. theres a vanishing point at the bottom, the 3d on top leads to left. doesnt workout.
  11. scOpeOne

    scOpeOne Elite Member

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    ok first off its says obre, second,.. epod shut up i did shadow with light going right-down my shadow is not in the wrong place anywhere its just done quick and might be the wrong width in places. and epod dont take this liek disrespect
  12. epod

    epod Elite Member

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    1- dont tell me to shutup, im trying to help you. you fcked the 3d on the left top. and try to keep all of you lines parallel. work on a style aswell. right now, its just lines going everywhere. trust me... go simpler, just do a regular font, then work from there.
  13. Myner

    Myner Elite Member

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  14. scOpeOne

    scOpeOne Elite Member

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    ok well first off i dont want or need ure help since i dont like ure shit and i can do block letters and burners and letter structure just fine and probably better then you and that was my first try at a more complicated style and ive done alot of sketches since then which ill post when i get a new cam. and u shouldnt be lecturing anyone on style

    dont expect me to respong to what u say im not looking for beef on this site

    EDIT* if u look at my lined they all go soomwhere and are attached top a letter apart from 1 gay one on the bottom
  15. scOpeOne

    scOpeOne Elite Member

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    ok ya i found this on my comp its an old simple sketch and yes i know there are lots of thing wrong with it but just to show u that i have done simpler before

    View attachment 166740
  16. kronikbomber

    kronikbomber Senior Member

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    heyt rogan y dont u take the fucking dildo out of ur ass and stop talkin shit to everyone and epod it was an honest mistake i didnt mean to say it to u and rogan ur a cum bellied faggot
  17. wordsmith

    wordsmith Senior Member

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  18. ERAZ

    ERAZ Senior Member

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    not feelin it scope...try simpler....but hey what do i know
  19. Hasone

    Hasone Member

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  20. Katze

    Katze Member

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    Firstly, I don't see anything wrong with what epod said. In my opinion he was only trying to help, it doesn't matter if you already realise what he said he still gave up his time to help out. Thanks for the help on the 3d epod, it's greatly appreciated. :D