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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. Brakkie

    Brakkie Member

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    First post...

    First part of the piece I'm till gonna put one letter behind it... Not sure which on R/L/ST/

    Bad quality picture but I'm to lazy to get the cam out of it's bag :p

    [Broken External Image]:
  2. FuLa

    FuLa Elite Member

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  3. Noir

    Noir Member

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  4. imported_C_One

    imported_C_One Member

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    im new so im going to start in this toy room, ill post some of my stuff soon so i can get some feed back (yes i know the only thing i need to do is practice but i would like to here what ohtr ppl think bout my stuff)
  5. imported_C_One

    imported_C_One Member

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  6. imported_C_One

    imported_C_One Member

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  7. Rogan

    Rogan Senior Member

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    chronos i think you need alot of practice working on simpler strusture liek bubble letters first before attempting abstract peices and i belive the name cronos is taken...

    also noir looks pritty good for a start just keep working at it and build off the fact that its kind of "trippy" and try and make the letters lok real crazy but still smooth and itll be ill i make this perfect once you have the letters right color it real psychedelicly
  8. Rogan

    Rogan Senior Member

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    kronik, suck my dick you peice of shit the only reason your saying shit is your epods ones talking to you so get the fuck out of here and its lunchtime so shouldnt you be eating some asshole?
  9. Brakkie

    Brakkie Member

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  10. Rogan

    Rogan Senior Member

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    first letter(e i assume) looks good second(a?)doesnt
  11. Brakkie

    Brakkie Member

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    Yeah first one is an E

    I agree I told my brother too but he liked the A...
  12. epod

    epod Elite Member

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    SHUT THE FUCK UP! that obre shit is fucking not simple. its still ugly. i dont care how good you are, either don't try that style, or go simpler.

    and that looney shit... the 1 looks like its says lone. theres a writer here that writes lone. tons of ups, so ya. that last one on the diagonal is looking better. keep it up.

    noir, go simpler. aller tres simplique. lol je ne comprende pas le fracais tres bon..... haha.

    c_one - simpler.

    fula, no beef, but who cares man, dont start shit, personally i like names shit. if u want to rag on someone, go talk to snakes the king. ha.
  13. imported_C_One

    imported_C_One Member

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    thanks for the feed back.but when you say make it simpler
    how basic do i have to get,i just started graff like a 3 or so weeks ago
    and in conparason to some of the wildstyle things i see on this site the stuff i do is the basic of the basic
  14. Rogan

    Rogan Senior Member

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    by basic we meen the letters that you type in a 3d block form or letters in bubble form liek the one you have that says cronos very basically... in grey and black or white and black or whatever
  15. Myner

    Myner Elite Member

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  16. vare_187uk

    vare_187uk Senior Member

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  17. cess!

    cess! Elite Member

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    myner you have sick shit

    i dont see why so many people hate on name i think his styles the dopest outta anyone here
  18. shae

    shae Senior Member

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    ur 3d kind of looks sloppy to me but i dont know ur just as good as me but when i do my 3d i use a vanashing point and make all the edges line up with the vanashing point basically what u do is pick a point where u want ur 3d to come from and the put a little dot there and then u take a ruler and from each corner or where ever the 3d looks good make it in the direction of the point

    edit: and what people tell me that helps a lot is to make ur letters all the same width for example ur v one section of it is very thin and the other setion of it is fat make them the same width and it should look better thats what people tell me and i think it works
  19. Myner

    Myner Elite Member

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    i agree, likr alot of Names shit, i think its more of his attitude.
  20. wordsmith

    wordsmith Senior Member

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    im new to this..juss started awhile ago with sketches and tags and all that shit..if you got some ideas that will help thatd be dope..and im sorry if the image is rather large..i tried to make it smaller
