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Body Mods

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by whOaHT, Jun 1, 2004.

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  1. CutThroat

    CutThroat New Member

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    More hours of more extreme shit than anyone here.
    40% coverage in scar tissue.
    sleeves, facial ink, neck hands, etc.
    4g transdermal implants,
    and flesh hooks for days.
  2. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    hmm impants and flesh hooks...

    tight work man let see some flicks of your ink though
  3. jez

    jez Senior Member

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  4. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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  5. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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  6. geezpot

    geezpot Elite Member

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    That looks uncomfortable to get on so many levels but an inside lip Rebus tattoo is pure gold!

    The rest of his work is nice too.
  7. geezpot

    geezpot Elite Member

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    My honest opinion is until some credible people tell you that your art is good then I wouldn't suggest getting your own artwork permanently tattooed on yourself.

    Sorry but the work you posted is decent but not good enough for a permenant fixture on my body so I would suggest holding off a few years or if you're fiending to get a tattoo why not get a professional tattooist to design something for you?
    That cross you posted has some really close lines that eventually will blow out and connect making it blobby. Anyone can draw up a tattoo design but you need to consider the timelessness of a design to make it a great tattoo.
  8. KONG

    KONG Member

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    edge tattoos

    CIFILONE Senior Member

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    worst, tattoo, ever.
  10. molotow_15

    molotow_15 Elite Member

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    worst, tattoo, ever. [/b][/quote]
    dude did you cut into your arm ?
  11. jez

    jez Senior Member

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    Haha its a total tattoo i got at a squat a long time ago, I did it myself with (CLEAN STERIL NEEDLE) and some speedball ink, green and black
    Its mad faded so now im going to get it covered next week

    And its nice to see someone else listens to crust here.

    CIFILONE Senior Member

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  13. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    My honest opinion is until some credible people tell you that your art is good then I wouldn't suggest getting your own artwork permanently tattooed on yourself.

    Sorry but the work you posted is decent but not good enough for a permenant fixture on my body so I would suggest holding off a few years or if you're fiending to get a tattoo why not get a professional tattooist to design something for you?
    That cross you posted has some really close lines that eventually will blow out and connect making it blobby. Anyone can draw up a tattoo design but you need to consider the timelessness of a design to make it a great tattoo. [/b][/quote]
    and thats why we get along so well =)

    and thes not rebus it does look like an "e" though, good thing its on the inside of the lip, it was the guys first lip tattoo so it was almost free which is good cas it could of been done alot better but the stencil kept rubbing off de to the fact it was on the inside of the lip, then a pro shrapie would spread WAY to moch to use that.. took a few trys and lots of laughs
  14. Nosypainter

    Nosypainter Elite Member

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    wow no offence but that tatto looks like shit.. i really hope you did that yourself and didnt have a perfessional do it cause i would strongly ask for my cash back.... anyway im getting a wildstyle around my wrist and ill post pictures as soon as it is done its still in the drawing process
  15. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    she did, and dont get wildstyle.. graffiit is not ment to be on bodys its ment to be on walls your body is constantly changing what was one totally perfect will be fucked up with in a monthcerting parts will change.

    ill have a new tattoo on monday from alex pardee on my leg to start my knee high
  16. beefgerky

    beefgerky Elite Member

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  17. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    you got damn right... beef gerky knows whats up
  18. The 5th one

    The 5th one Elite Member

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    oki doki. i'm gettin one on my stomach, saying my name in graff writing. what you think?
  19. jez

    jez Senior Member

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    That would look cool, just make sure the lines arent too close together or itll look like shit when your old and wrinkley.

    And yes, my tattoos i did myself, thats why they look horrendous.
    and im getting them covered up anyways when i get the ca$h

    Im getting My name On my stomach. but in medivel (SP) letters.
  20. The 5th one

    The 5th one Elite Member

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    yeah i dunno whether to have colours or blacka nd white yet.