straight up chill with the e-thug attitudes beefs on the streets flixs on the internet get over yourselves
the day you all relize your still toys and stop talking shit online and paint to get better that will be a glorious day!
but we need to give carns something to jack off to while hes lonely right? this online beef is wat he seems to get off on...
one last time shithead, keep it to the PM, and TEAZE is my true friend and probably rolling around in his grave at the behavior you and your rodent maggot friends are exhibiting. PM me or shut the fuck up
rane i guess ur right and i dont have to much of an arguement...not that i want to have one cause this thread is supposed to be about boston graff pics but im jus siding with carns on the r.i.p. teaze cause i see where hes comen from...its whatever jus do what you want and can we please get more pictures in here im sick of reading text
View attachment 355172 all i know is cuz of this site i cant do graff anymore and its ironic people are calling the dudes that do there things snitches. shit aint right
i can understand you issue with this if what you say is true. but you should look at your self for your fucked up behavior. i never said word one to you and you gome off like a little internet gangster. to me you seem like a 15 16 yro kid pretending to be someone hes not. but i do hope you are at least 18 so ill be less likely to sew me for the buck50 im going to give you.
yoo honestly dawg i wud loveeee to see zoinx fuck the shit out of carns. yoo look carns im just like you. i made up a name that has nuthing to do with my tag (if i do tag) so that no one will go over the small amount of handstlyes in boston that i may have. your a fuckin scrawny weak ass kid carns honestly IVE MET YOU your pretty famous for saying that arent you. so do you think im playin or not. ive met zoinx too and zoinx is fuckin 60 times the dude you'll ever be and he wud tear you apart. come on carns lets hear the word you supposedly write, i cant waitttt to start goin over everything you do becuz your ruining whut i used to enjoy, which wuz commin on this site and looking at boston graff, wich is why most of us are here. so lets hear one more post where you quote me, threaten me, never find me, and then go out and hopefully get arrested for trying out your first handstyle in a mcdonalds bathroom. then at least i'll be able to come on this website with my REAL TAG NAME and be able to talk about boston graffiti with other people that are interested in it. and if they dont like wut im sayin then we can at least start sum internet beef, which is gay, but its better then a 4th grader postin under the name of carns, dissin cnue, zoinx, theory and others that you'v ben dissin just cuz you are jealous that they actually got their name up in boston. im honestly sorry to anyone but i really hope you all think that wuz needed as much as i do. FUCK THIS TOY ASS BITCHY 6TH GRADE HOMO DICK SUCKIN ASS LICKIN PUSSY HATEIN MOTHER FUCKER THAT CALLS HIMSELF CARNS.
first of all seize aint from boston, second thats the most fucking generic s anybody could come up with, u think its yours cause u put it backwards, hop off the kids dick. i aint stickin up for nobody, but you ignorant fucks up there think its your letter just cause you rock it backwards, go peep NYC and see how many kids have the same style. fuckin grow up and deal with it. and the kid cnue is doin his thing. if you aint got proof that he a snitch meaning he actually dimed you out and you got bagged did a bid for it etc... shut the fuck up already. you kids make me sick. next time i roll through b-town anybody who got beef is shootin the 5 end of story. you got a problem with someone, go fuckin duke it out and stop bitching on a forum.