not alotta good pictures but wutever there pictures... [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: Spek getting crossed out... [Broken External Image]:
JET = absolute TOY completely sucks after being in the game this long internet shit talking homo who will never say it to your face E fame king jocking sucka.
you can have a shitty style, and a awesome personality, and that makes you kool or you can have a outstanding style, but a shitty personality and that makes you a faggot. Which one would you choose... chill with a faggot, or chill with a koo person.. personally id rather chill with a cool person, then a faggot like you.. and ill say that to your face, leave the dude alone and let him do him, and you do you.
its ok to have Jets under cover lovers defend him. But he's still a wack toy, with no style who runs his mouth and will never been seen anywhere where he'll be caught.
Fuckin kid, I dont see anyone else that paints like jet, therefore he has his own unique style. I dont give a fuck if you like it or not, its his own. Let him do his thing I dont see your fuckin flicks. Go slit your wrists fucking homo
Wearing open toed sandals.... Until you state your name..Your comments will be regarded as some gutless pussy talking ish....As I said before people who fight; fight...They don't come on message boards making corny threats....And I know Jet Edge and Siren and anyone of those guys will definitely throw hands with you.......So keep your fragile mouth shut.....
[Broken External Image]:
IM talking about JET not the rest of them and i know they'd throw hands and im just stating facts sorry your all butt hurt about it!
Gutless pussy talking shit kind of like how Jet goes on 12oz and talks shit anonymously under the name "Mind You." Is that the kind of gutless you're talking about?
anyways ill cut the shit, im not sure who grekee nor do i have and issue with you and if i did tell you what i wrote that would be some shit.