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Boston; No Bullshit

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by mr. she77, May 28, 2004.

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  1. sec187

    sec187 Senior Member

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    enjoy it, you'll be old before you know it
  2. cnue

    cnue Senior Member

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    It's interesting how a lot of dudes refuse to respect older/wiser/better writers, especially online. anything they say is immidietly counter-attacked with a "you're old and washed up, fuck you."

    all I'm trying to say is it is disrespectful. you don't know who's who on forums. it's disgusting how much my generation has no respect towards their "elders"

    (hopefully that last part does not make you feel too dusty.)
  3. stinkfist

    stinkfist Member

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    This fawkn kid is such an idiot. (cnue) I have respect for people that have respect for me. Old or young! I m not your generation and i have plenty of old school kats that I respect and respect myself in return. Real writers that put in work in real cities. Boston graff is nothing to the big picture. I dont like how this guy just cause he dont like shit has to come on here and act like the god father of graff. Its funny that people from other cities have no clue or respect for boston writers. Boston style graffiti is so lame any way, way to be some originator of some shity graffiti. You love that hipster graff with no negi and polka dots. What a chief why dont you come up with something original mister og I wont tell you what I write but I ll assume your some toy! "If I told you what I write youd be like o sorry" lol this guy is so full of him self. Fawkn eat dick and cnue, get a clue ya jocker! Or go get arrested again! Jet is a dope and this thread is and will always be garbage! So when you think you got it all and you think your so important just remember its graffiti and nobody gives a fuck!:cool: Boston is crushed by outta townerz, remember that aswell, so when you think you get up, ya dont!
  4. EST2007

    EST2007 Elite Member

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    THANK YOU. i don't know you cnue but i can only assume that you and I are from the same generation. Why not try to learn fomr the older/more experienced writers, instead of causing beef? Truth be told, i'm still trying to learn my history, and maybe some of the beef is valid, but keep it out of the public forum. All it does is build cases and eventually someone will probably slip up and the rest is history...

    Why aren't Boston writers more territorial? it seems like most people share that mindset.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2008
  5. cnue

    cnue Senior Member

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    boston writers are not territorial and that is messed up. and I'm a fucking idiot why? because I state my opinion? Guess what "stinkfist,"many of us are being brought along by older writers. go get arrested again? you should let private matters slip a little bit more on public forums. you are dumb. end of story. I laugh at you.
  6. stinkfist

    stinkfist Member

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    Any writer that is down to help out a little puke like you is a fawkn joker. They might be older but that idont make them shit. You would jump off a bridge if someone like mise or aves or some other cat told you to!
  7. ShitBag

    ShitBag Senior Member

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    Boston writers sure are territorial. You just dont know the spots or have run into any of the ones who are
  8. EST2007

    EST2007 Elite Member

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  9. EST2007

    EST2007 Elite Member

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  10. cnue

    cnue Senior Member

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    obviously. you've hit the nail right on the head.
  11. EST2007

    EST2007 Elite Member

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  12. EST2007

    EST2007 Elite Member

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  13. EST2007

    EST2007 Elite Member

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    some (if not all) of these have been posted at one time or another...just trying to break up the chatter with some flicks
  14. ShitBag

    ShitBag Senior Member

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    Maybe if younger writers(or what i should say toys) would actually listen and learn, plus pay dues, they might actually get better instead of complain. if those guys were to show me shit i know id listen
  15. theoory

    theoory Senior Member

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  16. EST2007

    EST2007 Elite Member

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  17. EST2007

    EST2007 Elite Member

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  18. ShitBag

    ShitBag Senior Member

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    ask JET. LOL couldnt help myself on that one
  19. Game Ova 07

    Game Ova 07 Senior Member

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    i dont think ive ever seen a piece...burner...or throwie by busy...anyone have pictures?
  20. Mass Terror

    Mass Terror New Member

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    You dont want to see a throw by busy.