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Buffalo,Newyork 716

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by mclovin14211, May 27, 2011.

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  1. rustbeltrocker

    rustbeltrocker Senior Member

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    there was no msg on flickr, and you are clueless...
  2. CaptainKirk

    CaptainKirk New Member

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    I'll have some flicks up soon, OYM destroying the city.
  3. rustbeltrocker

    rustbeltrocker Senior Member

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    oym is for sure doin it....
  4. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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    Yeeerrrp the classic 716 buffalo thread was way better but when BF did that hwy hit they shut that shit right quick lol.. also Why on earth do u need to bicker about the most lamest bullshit ever... thats to "rustbeltrocker" you talking like ur to good to post a photo PFT ur just some faggish username on the net to all we know... u have 6posts and im pretty sure all ur 6 posts are shit talking to someone doing no harm LOL. so why not post a picture instead of talking ur bullshit drama that highschool children usually do. Mclovin actually has real dope flicks and contributes a fuck ton.
  5. Sharpies&Stickers

    Sharpies&Stickers Senior Member

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    Yeah... I bet RustbeltRocker wishes he had something to do with BF crew and their highway hits...
  6. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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    Beanz, you enjoy drawing cocks with jiz flying out.. are you gay? are you confused on what kind of sex u are? did you daddy molest you as a child and forced you to suck his miniature dick n balls?. Looks like Beanz having fun fucking gargling up that shit. and since wen were dicks Orange?
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2012
  7. rustbeltrocker

    rustbeltrocker Senior Member

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    its been said that a rat is the lowest form of life, i would tend to agree
  8. rollfatblunts

    rollfatblunts Member

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    does this fucking thread post anything other than fuckin snuff cherps and ms paint dicks. fuckin hurtin.
  9. Sharpies&Stickers

    Sharpies&Stickers Senior Member

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    you guyssound like fucking FOOLS.

    grow the fuck up and stop living your internet drama... GEEKS.
  10. CaptainKirk

    CaptainKirk New Member

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    Come on dudes, we finally get a Bflo thread back and its nothing but messing with that lame kid brakes. fuck him and everything about him, lets get this thread bumping with flicks. Ill have some up tomorrow when I find time. Free Stemz
  11. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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    if it wasnt for breaks, the Bflo threadwould be non existing on this website hahah.. just thought id through it out there.
  12. Sharpies&Stickers

    Sharpies&Stickers Senior Member

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    this thread would be better off not exisiting.. the kid should go make a BRAKE thread... a little self promo is one thing.. nothing but repeated self -promo from an 18 year old is getting old.. and now its to the point people are just dissing him and he is talking about how hard he is and how he is going to gut people on the internet... WOW... Take a look in the mirror and stop the nonsense..
  13. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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    What happen to these fellas..

    Anyone have any Recent Flicks of the Xtreme Wheelz warehouse graffiti? post up if so :D been many years since i stopped off in there lol
  14. morningflow

    morningflow Senior Member

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    Yo this thread is fucking horrible, just fucking nasty. Seriously, what happen to Buffalo New York?
  15. morningflow

    morningflow Senior Member

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  16. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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  17. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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  18. BluntUsers92

    BluntUsers92 Senior Member

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  19. BluntUsers92

    BluntUsers92 Senior Member

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  20. BluntUsers92

    BluntUsers92 Senior Member

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    1241996960189.jpg 1241996984034.jpg 1241996997497.jpg 1241997007554.jpg 1241997328458.jpg 1242172774110.jpg
    President of COD Wane President of XMEN Tatu President of BU Owel President Of F5k Dezo...gettin it poppin on mothers day.