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Can Control Problems

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by the infamous one, Oct 16, 2004.

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  1. Reger

    Reger Member

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    How do u know if it is a high or a low pressure can? I use ironlak..
  2. H1P30N3R

    H1P30N3R Elite Member

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    ironlak is low pressure ironlak reload is high pressure
  3. spookza2

    spookza2 Senior Member

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    perhaps the angle at which you are spraying is off and its drippy an shit
  4. Sicotik13

    Sicotik13 Senior Member

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    how the can about 6" away and spray at like a medium speed, it might just be the type of paint
  5. Sinister151

    Sinister151 Member

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    enough with the ppl with the cat videos like wtf
  6. ealkrab1er

    ealkrab1er Member

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    Remember to always try to use an outline cap
  7. ealkrab1er

    ealkrab1er Member

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    Or wait for the paint to dry so it doesn't drip
  8. nixon

    nixon Member

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    take a bit piece of cardboard or wood, and just go to town. find the right distance and speed to do a horizontal line without dripping and you should be set. also try mixing up tips. it doesnt even have to look like anything, just random lines. different colors flow differently, especially the hardware store stuff, so just try that shit out.
  9. Igor Radchenko

    Igor Radchenko New Member

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    just get a can and go find a deserted street and practice there! you can just do lines. try to figure out what distance/tip works best for you :)
  10. SneikT

    SneikT Member

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    It's not always down to experience or practice either. It's also about how you feel and act. You need to be smooth and relaxed, not think about it so much but just do what feels natural and groovy. If nothing else helps, take a shot of whiskey or smoke half a joint to take the edge off. All in all, if you're stiff and nervous, you'll just end up messing around with something wack
  11. hungover

    hungover Elite Member

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    all practice, only way ull get better
  12. wjellybelly

    wjellybelly New Member

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    You also get drips if your can pressure is too high and hold the can too close to the wall. You can get less drips and hold the can closer if you get a low pressure can.
  13. upster.1

    upster.1 Member

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    Lock your wrist and go with the flow.
  14. ShIfTeD

    ShIfTeD Elite Member

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    What kind of paint are you using and is it cold by you? the colder paint gets, the thinner it the winter, all you can do is go real easy on what you're covering...if the paint is cold, and if the surface is cold, you'll probably def. drip.

    if you're using a male valve can, you're fucked.

    if you're using a female valve can..hold it upside down and let out pressure. there really isn't a specific ammount you need to let out, but what i letting about 20 seconds of pressure out at a time, ad then shaking it a bit, and doing a can tell as you get lower on pressure. when you get to a point where you feel comfortable with the consistency of the paint...remember about how much you let out and always do that.

    keep in mind that you really don't want low pressure when you're doing your fill..and if its cold by your can gets colder...after you let pressure out..the can will lower in pressure even more due to the temp.

    if it's due to the temp. put your cans on the floor of your car as you're driving to a place, and blast the heat. If you're 12 years old and hiding graffiti supplies from your parents, wait till they're gone...fill up the bathtub with the hottest water the faucet can provide and throw your cans in there for an hour or so. If you're using significantly less paint than a bath tub..(which you probably are) the same thing in a bucket of hot water or the sink.

    if none of the above just have to make sure you're going fast enough. if your lines are're going too slow for how much you're applying.

    end of story

    ILUVCASH Senior Member

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    I use painters touch and i was wondering what type of caps i should use for the skinny and fat caps, do i need an adapter to use certain caps? when making my lines some times they are to big to control in smaller spaces so it makes it harder.
  16. InnerCityRebel

    InnerCityRebel Senior Member

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    Practice makes better homie
  17. thirstyeye

    thirstyeye Member

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    lmao i was on this real good tagging streak n in the middle of the tagging my flew outta my hand hit a rock n exploded funniest shit
  18. ZorkOner

    ZorkOner Member

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    Low Pressures all da way <3
  19. ur210

    ur210 Senior Member

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    To me, ******** female fatcaps are easier to control on Rusto than NYC fats and rusto fats. Maybe its just the can, because I use American Accents for female fats, and Rusto Hammered for NYC fat and it's male stem.
  20. TRUANT365

    TRUANT365 Senior Member

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    Just whenever you get the chance to use a can. don't hesitate, The more you paint, the more your muscles will get used to the fact your using a can, the more you paint, the better. Just keep at it.
