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Can Disposal

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by Fate, Dec 4, 2005.

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  1. Fate

    Fate Elite Member

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    what do YOU do with your empties?
  2. chas

    chas Elite Member

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    ya what can you do are they any use empty
  3. -save

    -save Senior Member

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    i keep mine in my room until i go to school the morning the trash guys roll around, then before i go to my bus stop i throw them in my dumpster and they take them away
  4. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan Member

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    anywhere but my backpack, house, or in my hand
  5. meetermaid

    meetermaid Elite Member

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    use the empty cans as a dildo when your boyfriend's not home.

    really, i have no idea what to do with empty cans. keep em for like, a souvineer.
  6. chas

    chas Elite Member

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    what kinda caps come on regular krylon cans anybody no????
  7. AMAZ tbscrew

    AMAZ tbscrew Elite Member

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    is there anything we can do with them? that like would be cool? cuz i just trow mine out...or leave them at the traintracks when i do shit there
  8. -save

    -save Senior Member

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    idk what comes w/ krylon...prolly like ny fats
  9. meetermaid

    meetermaid Elite Member

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    don't leave em at the tracks, seriously, fucking bad idea. just like throw em in one of those public garbage can things
  10. it-cant-rain-all-the-timelalala

    it-cant-rain-all-the-timelalala Elite Member

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  11. chas

    chas Elite Member

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    thats what i was thinkin and anyone know about banan skinnys for alien cans???? and are alien cans made by montana????
  12. InvisblSkratchPiklz

    InvisblSkratchPiklz Elite Member

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    i keep them in a backroom in my house with my other supplies
    last time i counted i had 320 cans
  13. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

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    Wow, we really get lazy and toy people on this site. CANS IN AMERICA COME WITH STOCK CAPS THAT ARE SHITTY! you have to order caps of the net to get ny fats and shit.
  14. chas

    chas Elite Member

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    Wow, we really get lazy and toy people on this site. CANS IN AMERICA COME WITH STOCK CAPS THAT ARE SHITTY! you have to order caps of the net to get ny fats and shit. [/b][/quote]
    im not a toy by the way i was just asking and making sure what kinda caps are on krylon cans think before calling people toys buddy
  15. -resq-love-obk-

    -resq-love-obk- Elite Member

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    haha thats smart.....not.
    emty out all the aerosol and pop holes in them and recycle. you can use the balls on the inside for mops. you can nail them to telephone poles, because thas always nice to see. uhhhh. stack them up and build a castle. glue them to you walls untill your wall is covered. sleep in a pile of them. but for real you should try to recycle... even though i never do. but will when i move out!
  16. -save

    -save Senior Member

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    i ment in compairson to-
  17. artcrime99

    artcrime99 Senior Member

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    yes alien is montana and yes they come with banana skinnys on them so do the hadcores i think as well as the black series from the german montana
  18. -save

    -save Senior Member

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    bananna skinny like your dick

    im kidding
  19. meetermaid

    meetermaid Elite Member

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    where exactly would you recycle them?
  20. chas

    chas Elite Member

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    where exactly would you recycle them? [/b][/quote]
    at some hippie rectcling center