on the dollar cans i get u can rip off the fan bit and it sprays a circle, with a little modding there not that bad for tags and dusty fills
Do any of y'all ever try moding some of your caps?? I took some stock tip, enlarged the spray hole and now it's a great fill cap. It's super fat.
Best Caps Teh 94 Cap AWESOME pro skinnys will do though but useless on any high pressure Boston thins and NY fats err day Rusto fats are useless now unless you paint with hardcores Female NY Fats for Rusto from Trout Art Supply Universals and Banana skinnys beige and black dots Orange dots Euro fat(black pink dot, higher output, fills in ten times better, cleaner too) 24 KT caps(silver hoods just as good too) Clash super fats They're yellow, kinda spray like NY, but instead of softballs we're talking like football, basketball size, Evolve has thees "green lantern" caps that spray just like them
Take a pin, heat it up in a candle, then stick it in the hole and rotate it in a circular motion so that it opens up the hole. Then take an x-acto knife or just a regular knife and stick it in and spin it so it further enlargens the nozzle. Now mine sprays like a Jumbo Fat. Its awesome.
can someone tell me what caps fit on MOLOTOW black top coversall3 750 ml cans? i tryd ny fats ny thins and random caps from homedepot/walmart/micheals and the cap gets stuck down and just keeps sprayin
Bombin Caps For street bombing with female valve high pressure paint: KILLZ CAPS ALLLLLLLL DAY!. They look just like a red NY (I have seen both the fat and skinny ridge pattern) the only difference is the size of the hole in the nozzle... it is way bigger than any other actuator that has an insert. If you like executing fast, big throws with super fat outlines, it will be love at first spray, I promise...big flared out handstyles look hot too. For street bombin with male valve high pressure paint: Old Spice Body Spray caps or Stormtroopers (white slanted hood with a recessed black insert found on some automotive & cleanig products.)Get a LOT of these as they will clog early & often. Some *ahem* other graff supply websites sell both under other names but your best bet is to experiment, experiment, experiment. Nothing wrong with modding stock caps too, but it takes some trial and error to get a consistent result. Also, if you use Rusto, the Professional tall boys with the high output cap does blast a little fatter than the usual Stops Rust/Bright Coat or 2X Painters Touch stocks. For Piecing: Take your pick...everyone is different. Personally, I sketch with stock, fill/fade with orange dots, detail with any or all skinnys and outline with either OG (NY/Rusto) Fats, or German 4s. Oh BTW, Killz paint SUCKS!! its so unreliable that all its good for is those lovely bombing caps... Good Luck!...if you let it, this cap game will drive you BONKERS!
Does anybody clean their caps with a solvent ? I seem to go through a lot of caps when painting and it gets pricey after a while!!
just soak your caps in some sort of turpentine/bleach solution overnight. they should be clean by morning
criscros you toy you still dont know what your talking about, u can just buy fat caps u dont need to make your own.
I live in africa, i cant get fat caps, so i just have to make them and mod them from stocks. it sucks, but you do what you gotta do…
wtf yeah criscros bleach is awesome just mix 50/50 bleach and house paint you can catch some mad fresh tags!1!111 and you can die also