In my oppinion, best fatties are: NY Fat, Orange and Pink dot. Best skinnies: German universal, 94 skinny and Grey dot.
my fav fats are made by montana its there fatist cap its dark green sprays huge ive tryed many others lik pink dots cyclone fats (clear blue) ny fats german fats ,red astro fat ... n that dark green montana sprays fatter then um all it will kill ur can FAST , i like the clear astro fat one of my favs for dope flared tags .. skinnies german ol, montana super skinny light green , 94 skinny
birfday gift! thanks to my sister.. they sell these here in Florida at Utretch stores for $3.75 a bag.. not bad I guess.. I mean I do work full time retail management so that helps..
best gift man those are by far my fav caps that #6 kills shit iv yet to try a fatter cap put that on a high presser can n destroy !! fill in secs !!
You should check any high-end art stores in Canada, they should have them, or something equivalent... If you really want I can buy a pack and then ship it to you.. I live in Florida though.. it's not Hawaii but it's FAR from ya.. find out what shipping is and you can just paypal me the amount? Lemme know..
I try not to get to obsessed with the equipment, it's nice to have paint and caps designed for graf but I just want to enjoy painting.
Just a tip, save all your caps even if they get clogged (you can clean them) because a lot of caps have unique lines and shapes and it can come in handy to save them because you never know when you may want to use one of those caps line for a piece cause it could be perfect.
Like save even the weird new caps that spray a line because that could be used in a dope way. Save the caps that come with cans!
how do you clean a clogged cap? I clogged the super skinny.. but I saved it because I felt there was a way to probably clear it out.. if you know how, share please?
you buy like the graffiti/paint removing spray paint stuff and put you cap on it and spray. It removes the paint, see you just rescued a cap
are there certain caps that won't jam like one always dry up with with paint then i have to use an other one its wasting my time and money pls help
spray ur can upside down til the paint stops comin out that should help with the caps not clogging and a nice cap is an orange dot or ny fat