actually its the third time in two pages, just chill wit that its decent but nothin real special (not hatin on u, just my opinion)
...BigCruz... [Broken External Image]: ...Adept... [Broken External Image]:
if ya dont know about him yet you will soon im sure... Astrx... [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: his characters are gully to say the least.
Aloe, that's weak. Bump the crisp fills adept, and sox I'm not really feelin the charo's but it's all good
it's the third time in two pages man. anyway i don't think it's necessary to put it up that much man. Belio those sketches are hot man. NIce work.
[Broken External Image]: props to knoe and husk, those are dope .....bored this weekend
Lumta I created this character by mistake. I had the sticker the other way and was going to make a group of eggs but when I turned it the other way I thought i looked something like a early mickey mouse. So this is how it came out. check out the link
[Broken External Image]: Haha, I was pretty bored. Feedback would be allll good.
the first picture is bitten from the street art thread. im not gonna find it bc. its too far back but you know you bit it so just give up faggot.
i know its bit... i never claimed it to me mine... the hulk is bit too.. whats it matter.. its coo tho.. good looks beefgerky.