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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Edward"Sezer"Hands, Aug 17, 2007.

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  1. Zookyook

    Zookyook Elite Member

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    click the link douchebag lol

    oh, and like i said in toy questions, drywall is cheaper and better to paint on than plywood yo!
  2. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    I thought it was the title of your post! Not used to this new layout yet haha.

    That sucks though. Never been in a yard before though, so I dunno how it is.
  3. NosE2

    NosE2 Elite Member

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    yeah I read that shit, did you see the comments? fuckin rediculous. but yea fury ima go see what the drywall options look like then ill holler back at you
  4. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    Alright man, good luck. Let me too actually, I wanna try on different materials haha.
  5. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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    anyone want to help me out with a throw up. I suck at them and need something to bite off of :s.
    i write : kuake
  6. Zookyook

    Zookyook Elite Member

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    hit up that exchange thread... i might help ya out when im drunkish
  7. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    If anyone sees Rewt, tell him I'm still trying to do that paint battle, and he's usually up for that kinda shit.
    Anyone else is still welcome to join!
  8. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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    he got banned lol
  9. -Empty-Can-

    -Empty-Can- Elite Member

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  10. MoganOne

    MoganOne Moderator

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    I got Busted last night man... My dumb ass got hammered off of some four lokos And decided to do some Graff after the Club... I was all out in the open right in front of the police... Shit is not fun man
    Time for me to keep it on the low key. lesson learned
  11. H1P30N3R

    H1P30N3R Elite Member

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    sorry to hear that mogan ,live and learn bro.
  12. NosE2

    NosE2 Elite Member

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    freeze means run bro.

    edit: how long have you been actively paintin.?
  13. MoganOne

    MoganOne Moderator

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    Yeah man it sucked man.. I was way to drunk to run I would have fell and shit... My boy kept giving me shots of captain Morgan... Dumbest decision I made all year man.... Being really belligerent actually payed off in the long run though because they did not question me at all about graffiti Because I could not talk straight.. or at least I don't think they did. So the main squeeze was "get this drunk fool off the streets" rather than "so this is the guy who does all this fucking graffiti"... I am def not a happy camper right now though, that was fuckin retarded...
    I started to write Graffiti in the beginning of 2008. I did a little do dads here and there but of course they looked hella shitty... but just up to recently I changed what I write from mogan to Mone... So I wanted to get my new shit out there bad
    Altogether I look at it as a lesson learned a Kick in the ass... Came to a total of 617.00.. Public intox and Criminal Mis
    I honestly was so drunk that I don't even remember too much... They said I was too drunk to give my signiture so imagine what my tag looked like lol...
    It says "Too intoxicated" hahaha
  14. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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    damn mone that sucks biggg timee. atleast you changed your name and the didnt call the vandal squad out for you and see if your name had files on it.. than you would have reallly been fucked. not too long ago my friend gave me a half zip of bud and i went a party sunday and smoked about an eigth with only 2 friends and me. Heading down stairs to join the party I blacked out and when i woke up i had paint on my hands.. all i said was "ohhh helll..." when I went down stairs i asked my friend "what the fuck, why is there paint on my hands.." and he told me the story:
    Right after I blanked out, I saw my graffiti friend. I heard his name and I was like "austin?" "yeah?" "OMG no way!! lets go tagging!" and me being a dumb ass came up with the decision to graffiti my SCHOOLS ROCK CLIMBING WALL. After I realized what I did I changed my name and took all evidence of that name away from my blackbook/backpack ahahah.. Damn the things you do when your fucked up..
  15. MoganOne

    MoganOne Moderator

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    LOL Rock CLimbing wall?? wtf :)
  16. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    It's things like this that make me glad I don't get fucked up haha. That still fucking blows dude, but it could've been a lot worse; just be happy it's only as bad as it is.
  17. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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    yeah lol, it was the closest thing.. so now i know if im going to go get fucked up im not bringing paint
  18. Flawless Victory

    Flawless Victory Elite Member

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    Posting your court papers, along with a description of your crime ANYWHERE on the internet is a pretty stupid decision.
    Not to mention the fact that you are admitting to painting other crimes in the same damn city.
    Putting yourself on blast...
  19. EXI

    EXI Senior Member

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    he does have a point..
  20. NosE2

    NosE2 Elite Member

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    not really.....i doubt a cop from his town will get on here to this exact thread or forum for that matter anytime soon. Im not trying to brag in any way, but in my current situation, if I were to get caught for ANYTHING let alone graffiti, and they found out who i was? lets just say you wouldnt be hearing from nose2 for a pretty long time.