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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Edward"Sezer"Hands, Aug 17, 2007.

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  1. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    What kind of yard you goin to that still laces gondolas?
  2. weedeater

    weedeater Senior Member

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    more lay ups than yards, we have alot of scrap metal coming through, and there are alot that roll through. alot of kids catch out at a few of the spots i paint , and they usually ride them when there are no open boxes.
  3. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    o yup, I like hittin them yellow gondolas, theyre all smooth and shit. And I can reach the top of em... i think those 1's are called well cars or somethin tho the fuckin doublestackers
    Last edited: May 18, 2011
  4. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    i wish we had trains :'(
  5. HeklrToo

    HeklrToo Senior Member

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    What are these 'credits'?
  6. weedeater

    weedeater Senior Member

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    phat, yes you do. because even if you dont go to a spot to paint, you can still chill out and watch some dope painted shit roll through.

    and you get credits for posting, starting a thread, attaching an image, etc... i think once you have a fair amount you can use them in the online store. idk though, probably just something to help pull the forum out of its grave
  7. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    No trains eh? I guess the ideal surface for a train isnt sandy and rural desert...... but is there a different reason than that why theres no trains?

    Come to north america and get ya paint on, plenty of bulky trains here to hit, and if you go to the right areas theres still some clean trains you could prolly get up on. Unfortunately for me BART is sort of scary to think about hitting, too much security, and *****s be gettin shot over nothing at bart, so peicin on 1 of the train cars would be maaad. Only seen 2 people ever hit bart but im sure theres been more.... i think i got one of the pics...... but i cant find it at the moment, ima see if its on google
    Last edited: May 19, 2011
  8. nah!

    nah! Banned

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    fuk u
  9. weedeater

    weedeater Senior Member

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    i wish somebody wouldve picked up a guitar from me, i dont have room for anymore, and i just finished two, only thing im lacking is i need to cut out a control plate for the RR body and stain it, then install a 3 way toggle switch and a volume pot, then take 5 minutes to solder everything up. i probably have enough parts for 2-3 more without heavily modifying a neck or body..... but im probably keeping these haha.


    Last edited: May 19, 2011
  10. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    ribcage, what's bart ?
    and man I live in the bare middle of the city here, Beirut is the New York of the middle east to be completely honest. there's no such thing as rural or desert lands out here. except in the mountains of course, just like every other country. the places you're thinking about is north africa and shit. we dont have any deserts around in lebanon my man. the country's too small to even have one hahahaha (10452 square km ONLY)
    the main reason why we don't have trains -anymore- is because it's gonna cost the government an arm and a leg to restore the railway, and our government is already in a whoooooole lot of debt with much more important stuff to restore to the country than railways.
    we lost our old trains during the war a couple dozen years ago. there still are some remains in a couple old train yards here and there. but they're heavily guarded for some reason
    I only was able to successfully infiltrate em twice. I caught a throwie on a car in there the first time, and the second time, the trains were so old and rusty I was in such awe that I couldn't resist respecting its age and grandeur and I just simply could not stand hitting it, so I just caught a couple tags on some other smaller cars that were parked around the station
  11. nah!

    nah! Banned

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    they might be guarded so scrapmen dont take all the stuff
  12. weedeater

    weedeater Senior Member

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    it stands for bay area rapid transit, its a train system for pedestrians to ride on, in the bay area.
  13. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    ^lol this ***** explainin the shit before i could and shit

    Barts basically the coziest fuckin people mover out there. lol Nah on the real tho, you'll meet and see some of the craziest people in your life on Bart...
    [Broken External Image]:
    Its an above ground and under ground subway type deal
  14. pointman

    pointman Senior Member

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    Rib that train is fresh haha I live right next to a train track I fucking love it, my girlfriend .. Not so much. On a serious note yards are getting hard as fuck to get into in England after the bombings the rail security seem to alert the police real quick.
  15. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    Ribcage, check out KOSE HTF on flickr. I think he hit a train.
    But yeah, I wouldn't hit up BART, especially since Oscar Grant. That was some bullshit.
    I usually scribble next to my seat or put some shit up while I'm waiting for the train to come, but they're pretty good about buffing it the same day and shit.
  16. skinaone

    skinaone Elite Member

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    hahaha the only dude standing ( FOR EVER ALONE )
  17. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    Kose really? I seen that dude when i was hittin at the secret sidewalk, he put his big ass moderately week throw up over a dope ass burner.... but it was covered a couple months after.... He got bars at bombin tho no doubt, ill google him. Dude i seen on it was FEND, you ever see him around? I know hes got a good amount of freeway spots along 580 and
  18. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    580 AND WHAT?!
    But nah, haven't seen Fend. KOSE has been up for a while though. I see some of his shit randomly. Same with Old Crow.
  19. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    lol o oops... i forgot what i was going to say... but uh yeah never seen any kose peices... maybe im just sleepin on him. I couldnt fine any pics of him on bart neither. Ill throw occasional mop hits on bart tho just for shits and grins, shit gets cleaned down on the daily. Get some etch or a drill bit goin on for the windows and its all good tho
  20. n0b0dy

    n0b0dy Senior Member

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    stole from flickr to add to the bart discussion

    think i remember seein FEND on 580 awhile back goin toward the bay bridge, oakland area. i see CRAN on 580 a lot too.

    fuuuck i hate insomnia!!!