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Chemistry 101:Beginner Ink Labs and Pics

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by HëRbN, Jul 2, 2008.

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    • Messages: 28
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    yeah just racked some from my school lol they got a yellow old ass markal and meanstreak. but the chapstick is pretty sick and fun to make, not that efficient but if you shape it it can be pretty big, crayons work and oil pastels better. some crayon tags from like 23 still there, just color faded but sitll visible
  2. Sankor

    Sankor Member

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    Go to nearest road construction or house construction and look around for any rustoleum marking spray paint. Usually they are empty and just laying around, Its usually gonna be like orange or red color. Pop the can open but careful to not spill any left over paint, let it sit open for like a day so the pressure in paint comes out. Fill it up in the shoe polish mop and tag. This is better then using rustoleum bucket paint because it’s already thinned down
