post your tips on how to get up on rooftops and other buildings. i look around the building and look for close trees that i can climb and jump on to the building from it. i look for a big pipe leading up to the roof. and look if a car or van or trailor is parked next to it, so i get up on it and get on to the roof. or i get a friend that has a tall van i can get up on. then i tell him to park near it so i can get up. here is a pic on how to get up on top that i made: [Broken External Image]: just use you graffiti mind.
um? you didnt need to use a spacific place, not like any of us are going there. but um this is pointless, and anyone with a brain would of done that, you dont need to have a visual and yeah be creative when getting on a roof. you wont alyse need a VAN. w/e. Oh, and goodluck getting to the top of that tree those tope branches are probably the most sturdiest ones ive ever seen.
its just a sample you dumbass. and this thread will help people that need some tips on getting on top of roofs shithead dont post anymore.
his thread is fucking wack you are all pussies. shut th fuck up about it and go get on top of it. hre is no rhyme or reason when u actually bomb shit and climb shit. you encouter so many things that u cant go on a forum and tell people how to do it. you dont know. cause you didnt go up there. thats the point of roof pieces so shut the fuck up and go claim some spots. these are old as fuck [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: haha i like to climb
haha so why isnt there a bomb on that ? go do it you fuck. dont sit in front of your comp and pretend.
do ne off australian's on this site have ne flix??can ne1 hook me up on registering wid cause i get this debug_Error thing..pising me off
look sorry if you did not understand you sick fucking moron: this thread is for only tips on how to get up on buildings. TIPS You shithead.
god damn...some of you kids are so stupid.....why think of a weird ass way of getting up somewhere.....look for stairs first of all, yeah, inside the building......If you want to paint somewhere it doesn't have to be the weirdest way possible, use common sence...
ok there we go some fucking tips. was that so fucking hard to type huh? some fucking tips........... you stupid fucks.
fuck sake who makes a thread on how to climb roofs it all depends on the roof that shit is obvious u cant give people tips on how to climb all roofs close this shit
look for pipes goin up the side, other roofs you can use to acces other roofs, get a grappling hook, take 4 plungers and attach them to yer hands and feet for climbing glass buildings, look for buildings close together so you can "shimmy" up in between them h34r: be a ninja
look names whack graff on the top of that building its a good thing other people will see it there because people just walk on top of buildings all the time