Its a weird plasticy foam material that makes a hell of a lot of noise when you walk on it. and its almost impossible to not leave foot prints. Sonitrol is the security people you gotta look out for because the moniter the store all night and can hear you walking on the roof and will call the popo. I know this cause ive worked at a store with it, and got in trouble causei left the music on over night and sonitrol could hear it all night. So look for a sonitrol sticker in the window before you go to the roof. or just get up and get out quicky like
There is this spray stuff that rock climbers put on their shoes to get grip and climb easier. I bet that would work well for climbing shit. I would also suggest not using skate shoes.
oh and, most roofs in any general downtown area in most big citys have new cameras that catch the sound of spray paint and it sends it straight to the pigs.
and a faggot that reads the article on the front page of bombing science, and doesnt even understand it ps, it doesnt detect spray paint... it detects scratches. pps. willing to be youve never hit a rooftop. ppps. fag
i do parkour and freerunning so its not hard for me to get to any haven spots or really any place-parkour really helps with graffiti in so many ways.
^hahaha too much Marc Ecko's Gettin' Up eh kid?? are you sure you do both freerunning AND parkour? haha
i dont know what kind of cities you guys live in but even if they do have cameras they may be on 10 percent of the buildings if that. how does that increase the risk u take going out any night?
well not as much parkour when i go bombing-parkour is more stylish while free running is getting somewhere quickly and fluently-and yes blah blah mark ecko. i have other things besides graffiti one of which is parkour, free running only helps if the pigs chase you or your trying to get to a high spot quickly. oh and even this "kid" knows that in getting up you don't do parkour/free running you just climb shit
well with your "inneffectiveness to..*chuckles*...draw graffiti" and "drawing in sketchbooks", its a good thing yuo can freerun and jump from building to building while your dogdin pigs after crushing those makebelieve heaven spots please. teach me something
ps parkour is getting somewhere fastly freerunning is the mroe styleized got em mixed your wrong...go jump on shit
parkour is stylish too retard.. the only reason there are two words for the same thing is cuz parkour originated in France or wherever those french ppl are and then came to US and parkour didnt make sense to you english bastards so they renamed it freerunning. DuRRR!!
wow ziggy, and a little bit towards error. its obvious you are A) An internet white person. B) Some ignorant guy who read comments on youtube and thinks hes hot shit. do your research, bucko. parkour is moving efficiently.(the only stylish i can think of is cleanliness..which is for the preservance of energy, not actual style) freerunning is an offspring of parkour, with aesthetics. don't even bother to argue back. I'm a pretty big nerd when it comes to knowing the roots of my hobbies. no beef or anything, im sure you can burn me and all sorts of other e-beef statements
lol yeah you're right I am white and ignorant! and fuck your research i'm too busy painting! ps. don't call me bucko...
lol hey bucko...kiddo..pal..chief.. do pullups and get strong it makes climber easier (my contribution)...oh oh story i once beat a group 0f 30 marines in a pullup compitition XD
For one i do parkour and doing backflips helps me up every roof i find, especially when i wear these babies under my trench coat.