ive seen a guy do a tag with a fire extingushier he hit a tag from the first floor to as high as the 5 th floor he didnt need to climb stories, and no hes not related to spiderman
roof tops kills it...not only the ups that i love but its also just getting to that spot b/c if u cant just walk up to the roof then u have to find other ways and if i do find another way and i get up i feel like i have accomplished somthing lol i donno i just love climbing shit normal people would never even think about doing
Shut it u gay, you dont hit roofs your too toyed out...haha jk moneys u should def bang out more though.
You're a smart lad, how do you tag shit with that? I've seen mad videos with people doing that but is it just a regualr chemical fire extinguisher? Or do you gotta fill it?
you gotta get one of the silver ones that spray water NOT chemicals an well theres a whole thread about it just search
fucking fire extinguishers are AMAZING fucking aboutt he climbing you use your arms to pull yourself up and your legs to push yourself up when climbing down lets your legs do most of the work, if you put to much stress on your arms you risk them giving out and that means your gonna fall. probably not to far ive fallin straight off of rooftops n shit and not even sprained an ankle idk gfalling isnt a good idea if its winter where you are like it is here in GOOD OL' ROCHESTER NY dont even bother climbing down from the building just find some snow deeper than 3 feet and just gather your nerves and jump into taht shit, youll be fine
ha where im at in newyork the snow is all slush and thin as balls...but i can get on most rooftops easy i guess
you see, name is right on this one. does anyone really feel like getting tips on climbing shit? unless your fat and half retarded kid there is no way you cant get on a roof.
its tough shit climbing a pole... at least for me, i just get a buddy to like boost me up like fomr and upside down garbage can