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Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by dense, Aug 16, 2005.

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  1. tREW

    tREW Member

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    in response to climbing rooftops be mad carefull of barbwire usually you can see them going up a gasline or pipe of somesort, 2 nights ago i was climbing a pipe that only had barbwie on the top ive never had to much trouble getting over it but i fucked up and jerked to hard now i have a good half inch cut in my knee that hurts like a fucking bastard, luckily for tetanus shots
  2. G.SMooth

    G.SMooth Senior Member

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    I did my first rooftop the other day, it was fun, almost got elctricuted getting up ther tho.
  3. dirtbiXe

    dirtbiXe Member

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    how could u get electricuted climbing a fuking rooftop? :huh:
  4. kayos-s

    kayos-s Senior Member

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    an electric wire or box thing :p
  5. acidconceptone

    acidconceptone Senior Member

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    useful information: When i climb over fences and basically anything that isnt barbed wire (recently) ive started taking a little run at it first instead of trying to climb it from a stand still. kinda like some crazy parkour shit but... not. same idea tho keep yer body in motion and keep bouncing off shit. the only way that shit works is because u get over this barrier in ur mind that says you cant do it. and if you KNOW in your heart you cant do something. good luck.

    barbed wire can usually be entered at a corner. but be careful

    alot of the time you are walking around rooftops and shit there are people living under you. ive had to walk up to peoples rooftop apartment doors and shit and stand outside open windows. if this is the case be very quiet.

    ummmmmmm. dont look at cameras!
  6. G.SMooth

    G.SMooth Senior Member

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    how could u get electricuted climbing a fuking rooftop? :huh: [/b][/quote]
    ther was wires at the top and my head was like a inch away from them.
  7. acidconceptone

    acidconceptone Senior Member

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    covered wires. fuck kid u didnt almost get electricuted. when u all do rooftops do u say fuck cars or try and duck them as much as u can
  8. Aven

    Aven Senior Member

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    i can fly, so getting onto roofs isnt really a problem for me.
  9. spinthespin

    spinthespin Member

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    DENSE your a fuckin big wet pussy bitch. Its common sense to get ontop of a building. And if you have no idea how to get on a roof maybe you shouldnt be doin it. Fuckin toys like you that have no experience on a street shouldnt be graffin.
  10. Lemon

    Lemon Senior Member

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    you took a dump outside someone's house? not cool man, not cool.
  11. acidconceptone

    acidconceptone Senior Member

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    yeah i know but i dont write. i just leave my signature hershy's kiss of steaming shit wherever i go. i think i got a biter tho. but hes hella toy leaving used toylet paper by his work. way to bait the scene out kid! my shits could burn his shits any day tho.
  12. settybomb

    settybomb Elite Member

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    I just have daft punk playing in my head and get on some ninja shit.
  13. tense

    tense Elite Member

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    just look for a way up, its not that hard, helps if ur a good climber to begin with but watever, for a bridge it takes alot more skill, and alot more guts.
  14. whahappen?

    whahappen? Elite Member

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    its not hard...the worst part is having to jump up and use your forearms to push yourself up, or lifting your leg so high it feels like its popped outve your socket
    but beleive it or not learning vaults and parkour stuff really helps, the techniques but more the leg/arm strength you get from it
  15. tense

    tense Elite Member

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    just do alot of rock climbing, eventually ull get strong enough to climb anything
  16. anti-anti-crime

    anti-anti-crime Elite Member

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  17. tense

    tense Elite Member

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    yee weight lifting helps alot too
  18. aefx-one

    aefx-one Member

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    use a rug(place it over the top) to get over wired fences or electrical
  19. tense

    tense Elite Member

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    you do not talk about fight club!!
  20. AVID1

    AVID1 Senior Member

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    that's a good idea.

    When I climb roofs, I just do whatever, but I make sure I dont fall.. if you fall and shit you could potentially get caught (with the cans making so much noise and you screaming like a mutherfucker) especially after legal curfew. if you go to the hospital it will be alot worse.
    I'd rather not do a wall and save my balls, and wait for a later date when I have a ladder or something then take a crazy ass jump and killing myself. and writers have died in the traintracks/roofs, so it IS possible and before you know it you cracked your head open and you got a lawsuit on your ass.
    just want to let yall know.